(1) The master voter roll as electronically maintained by the Statewide Elections Management System of the several voting precincts of each county and the pollbooks heretofore in use shall be delivered to the registrar of the county, and they, together with the master voter roll and pollbooks hereafter made, shall be records of his or her office, and he or she shall carefully preserve the same as such; and after each election the pollbooks shall be speedily returned to the office of the registrar.
(2) The registrar of each county shall provide a location in the registrar’s office at which he or she shall accept applications for Mississippi Voter Identification Cards in accordance with the Mississippi Constitution.
(3) The registrar of each county shall enter into a Memorandum of Understanding, which is negotiated by the Secretary of State, with the Mississippi Department of Public Safety for the purpose of providing a Mississippi Voter Identification Card.