(1) The county executive committee shall designate a person whose duty it shall be to distribute all necessary ballots for use in a primary election, and shall designate one (1) among the poll managers at each polling place to receive and receipt for the blank ballots to be used at that place. When the blank ballots are delivered to a local poll manager, the distributor shall take from the local poll manager a receipt therefor signed in duplicate by both the distributor and the poll manager, one (1) of which receipts the distributor shall deliver to the circuit clerk and the other shall be retained by the local poll manager and the last mentioned duplicate receipt shall be enclosed in the ballot box with the voted ballots when the polls have been closed and the votes have been counted. The printer of the ballots shall take a receipt from the distributor of the ballots for the total number of the blank ballots delivered to the distributor. The printer shall secure all ballots printed by him or her in such a safe manner that no person can procure them or any of them, and he or she shall deliver no blank ballot or ballots to any person except the distributor above mentioned, and then only upon his or her receipt therefor as above specified. The distributor of the blank ballots shall so securely hold the same that no person can obtain any of them, and he or she shall not deliver any of them to any person other than to the authorized local poll managers and upon their respective receipts therefor. The executive committee shall see to it that the total blank ballots delivered to the distributor, shall correspond with the total of the receipts executed by the local poll managers.
(a) If it is eligible under Section 23-15-266, the county executive committee may enter into a written agreement with the circuit clerk or the county election commission authorizing the circuit clerk or the county election commission to perform any of the duties required of the county executive committee pursuant to this section. Any agreement entered into pursuant to this subsection shall be signed by the chair of the county executive committee and the circuit clerk or the chair of the county election commission, as appropriate. The county executive committee shall notify the state executive committee and the Secretary of State of the existence of such agreement.
(b) If it is eligible under Section 23-15-266, the municipal executive committee may enter into a written agreement with the municipal clerk or the municipal election commission authorizing the municipal clerk or the municipal election commission to perform any of the duties required of the municipal executive committee pursuant to this section. Any agreement entered into pursuant to this subsection shall be signed by the chair of the municipal executive committee and the municipal clerk or the chair of the municipal election commission, as appropriate. The municipal executive committee shall notify the state executive committee and the Secretary of State of the existence of such agreement.
(3) Any person charged with any of the duties prescribed in this section who shall willfully or with culpable carelessness violate the same shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.