Subdivision 1. Conditions to begin action. A cooperative may be dissolved involuntarily by a decree of a court in this state in an action filed by the attorney general if it is established that:
(1) the articles and certificate of organization were procured through fraud;
(2) the cooperative was organized for a purpose not permitted by this chapter or prohibited by state law;
(3) the cooperative has flagrantly violated a provision of this chapter, has violated a provision of this chapter more than once, or has violated more than one provision of this chapter; or
(4) the cooperative has acted, or failed to act, in a manner that constitutes surrender or abandonment of the cooperative's franchise, privileges, or enterprise.
Subd. 2. Notice to cooperative. An action may not be commenced under subdivision 1 until 30 days after notice to the cooperative by the attorney general of the reason for the filing of the action. If the reason for filing the action is an act that the cooperative has done, or omitted to do, and the act or omission may be corrected by an amendment of the articles or bylaws or by performance of or abstention from the act, the attorney general shall give the cooperative 30 additional days to make the correction before filing the action.
History: 2003 c 105 art 1 s 80