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U.S. State Codes
Chapter 554 - Real and Pers...
Act 448 of 2014 Continuing Care Community Discl...
Act 448 of 2014 Continuing Care Community Disclosure Act (554.901 - 554.993)
Section 554.901 Short Title.
Section 554.903 Definitions; a to C.
Section 554.905 Definitions; D to L.
Section 554.907 Definitions; M to O.
Section 554.909 Definitions; P to R.
Section 554.911 Definitions; S.
Section 554.913 Continuing Care Community; Organization and Operation; Purpose; Member to Service in Advisory Capacity.
Section 554.915 Continuing Care Agreement; Registration or Exemption Required; Applicability to Written or Oral Arrangements; Offer or Sale; Conditions; Circumstances.
Section 554.917 Rules; Exemption; Variance; Area Not Considered Home for the Aged or Adult Foster Care Facility; Relationship Not Subject to Laws Between Landlord and Tenant.
Section 554.919 Initial Registration; Submission of Information; Missing or Unreliable Information; Cost of Investigation; Deposit of Payment; Registration of 2 or More Retirement Communities as Single Continuing Care Community; Consideration of Opinions, Appraisals, and Reports of Experts; Electronic Transmission of Application and Fee.
Section 554.921 Incomplete Application; Notification; Order Approving or Denying Registration.
Section 554.923 Effect of Order Approving or Filing Registration.
Section 554.925 Renewal of Registration; Application Form to Be Sent by Department.
Section 554.927 Application for Registration Renewal; Processing; Failure to Submit Application or Fee; Continuation of Current Registration; Failure to File Renewal Application.
Section 554.929 Extension of Registration; Requirements; Fees.
Section 554.931 Fees; Continuing Care Administration Fund; Creation; Disposition; Investment; Money Remaining at Close of Fiscal Year; Expenditures.
Section 554.933 Reportable Changes; Amendment of Registration.
Section 554.935 Delivery of Continuing Care Agreements, Emergency Plan, and Disclosure Statement; Availability of Feasibility Study.
Section 554.937 Disclosure Statement.
Section 554.939 Continuing Care Agreement; Requirements.
Section 554.941 Financial Statements; Requirements.
Section 554.943 Financial Forecast.
Section 554.945 Funds to Be Held in Trust Account; Deposit With Escrow Agent; Conditions; Temporary Suspension Order; Return of Escrowed Funds; Escrow Agreement and Account; Requirements; Release of Funds.
Section 554.947 Alternative Financial Arrangement.
Section 554.949 Records; Reports.
Section 554.951 Advertising or Marketing Communication.
Section 554.955 Offer or Sale of Continuing Care Agreement; Prohibited Acts.
Section 554.957 Appointment of Independent Conservator or Guardian.
Section 554.959 Arbitration.
Section 554.961 Service of Process; Irrevocable Consent Appointing Department.
Section 554.963 Investigations.
Section 554.965 Review and Audit of Documents and Records.
Section 554.967 Repayment of Entrance Fee; Temporary Suspension.
Section 554.969 Order Denying, Suspending, or Revoking Registration.
Section 554.971 Cease and Desist Order.
Section 554.973 Injunction, Restraining Order, or Writ of Mandamus.
Section 554.975 Civil Fine; Costs; Sanctions; Continuing Care Agreement as Voidable; Refund.
Section 554.977 Liability; Offer of Rescission.
Section 554.979 Liability by Implication; Liability Under Other Statute or Common Law.
Section 554.981 Person Materially Aiding in Act or Transaction Constituting Violation; Joint and Several Liability.
Section 554.983 Statute of Limitations.
Section 554.985 Violation as Felony; Penalty; Seizure and Forfeiture of Proceeds or Instrumentality of Crime.
Section 554.987 Promulgation of Rules.
Section 554.989 Disclosure of Filings; Exemption; Confidentiality of Social Security Numbers.
Section 554.991 Life Interest or Long-Term Lease Agreement Under Former Act.
Section 554.993 Facility or Person Registered or Exempt Under Former Act.