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U.S. State Codes
Chapter 458 - Ecclesiastica...
Act 54 of 1899 Baptist Churches (458.101 - 458....
Act 54 of 1899 Baptist Churches (458.101 - 458.112)
Section 458.101 Baptist Church; Adopting Articles of Incorporation; Election of Deacons or Trustees; Execution, Acknowledgement, Contents, and Filing of Certificate; Corporation; Name.
Section 458.102 Trustees; Qualifications, Election.
Section 458.103 Trustees; Term of Office.
Section 458.104 Trustees; Subject to Control of Church; Purchase and Sale of Realty.
Section 458.105 Trustees; Powers.
Section 458.106 Trustees; Corporate Powers; Taxation.
Section 458.107 Trustees; Election in Certain Case; Dissolution, Convention Legal Successor.
Section 458.108 Reincorporation Under Act; Procedure.
Section 458.109 Certificate of Dissolution; Execution; Acknowledgment; Recording; Powers, Privileges, Duties, Trusts, and Obligations of New Organization.
Section 458.110 Amendment of Articles; Procedure.
Section 458.111 Amendment of Articles.
Section 458.112 Construction of Inconsistent Acts.