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U.S. State Codes
Chapter 450 - Corporations
Act 162 of 1982 Nonprofit C...
162-1982-1 Chapter 1 (450.2101...450.2151)
162-1982-1 Chapter 1 (450.2101...450.2151)
Section 450.2101 Short Title.
Section 450.2103 Construction and Application of Act.
Section 450.2104 Definitions Generally.
Section 450.2105 Definitions; A, B.
Section 450.2106 Definitions; C to E.
Section 450.2107 Definitions; F.
Section 450.2108 Definitions; M to P.
Section 450.2109 Definitions; S.
Section 450.2110 Definitions; V.
Section 450.2121 Corporations to Which Act Applicable; Corporation Formed Under Predecessor Act.
Section 450.2122 Statutory Reference to Repealed Act as Reference to This Act; Statutes Inapplicable to Domestic Corporation; Uniform Voidable Transactions Act Inapplicable to Distributions.
Section 450.2123 Applicability to Corporation Formed Under Other Act Not Repealed by This Act; Organizations to Which Act Inapplicable.
Section 450.2124 Requirements of Other Acts Not Modified; Compliance; Inconsistency Between Acts.
Section 450.2125 Applicability to Commerce With Foreign Nations and Among Several States, and to Corporations Formed by Act of Congress.
Section 450.2127 Effect of Act on Existing Corporation, Cause of Action, Liability, Penalty, Action, or Special Proceeding.
Section 450.2129 Supplementation, Alteration, Amendment, or Repeal of Act by Legislature.
Section 450.2131 Submission of Documents; Delivery; Endorsement; Indexing; Returning Copy or Original; Public Inspection; Maintenance of Records and Files; Reproductions; Effective Date of Document; Fees.
Section 450.2132 English Language; Signatures; Contents of Documents.
Section 450.2133 Correction of Document; Certificate; Effective Date of Corrected Document.
Section 450.2141 Taking Action Without Notice and Without Lapse of Prescribed Period of Time; Waiver.
Section 450.2142 Dispensing With Notice or Communication to Person With Whom Communication Unlawful; Affidavit, Certificate, or Other Instrument.
Section 450.2143 Giving Notice or Communication by Mail; Electronic Transmission as Written Notice; Delivery of Notice or Documents to Common Address; Delivery of Notice to Resident Agent; "Address" Defined.
Section 450.2151 Failure of Administrator to File Document Promptly; Notice of Failure to File; Posting Notice on Website or Sending by Mail or Electronic Mail Address; Refusal or Revocation of Authorization of Foreign Corporation to Conduct Affairs in State; Judicial Review.