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U.S. State Codes
Chapter 339 - Occupational ...
Act 299 of 1980 Occupationa...
Article 11 - (339.1101...339.1118)
Article 11 - (339.1101...339.1118)
Section 339.1101 Definitions.
Section 339.1102 Board of Barber Examiners; Creation; Qualifications of Members.
Section 339.1103 Repealed. 1982, Act 360, Eff. Mar. 30, 1983.
Section 339.1104 Rendering Services of Barber Without License Prohibited; Exceptions.
Section 339.1105 Student License; Duration; Requirements; Supervised Barber Services Without Compensation; Renewal or Extension of License; New License; Transfer of License.
Section 339.1106 Student Instructor License; Requirements; Rendering Barber Services to Public Prohibited; Exceptions; Renewal of License.
Section 339.1107 Repealed. 1984, Act 25, Imd. Eff. Mar. 12, 1984.
Section 339.1108 Barber License; Requirements; Effect of Licensure in Another State, Jurisdiction, or Country; Denial or Limitation of License; Substitution of Experience for Instruction; Unavailability of Records.
Section 339.1109 Instructor License; Requirements; Substitution of Experience for Required Training; Waiver.
Section 339.1110 Barber College; Licensing Requirements; Instruction by Student Instructor; Notice; Transfer of Ownership or Change of Location; Automatic Revocation; Required Classroom Courses; Rules; Display of License.
Section 339.1111 Barbershop; Licensing Requirements; Partitioning From Dwelling; Lodging or Residential Purposes Prohibited; Transfer of Ownership or Location as Revocation of License; Granting of New License; Display of Licenses.
Section 339.1112 Rules.
Section 339.1113 Inspections; Right to Enter Premises.
Section 339.1114 Renewal of License; Form; Effect of Failure to Renew.
Section 339.1115, 339.1116 Repealed. 1984, Act 25, Imd. Eff. Mar. 12, 1984.
Section 339.1117 Rendering of Barber Services Off Premises; Requirements; Demonstration Permit.
Section 339.1118 Prohibited Conduct; Strictures.