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U.S. State Codes
Chapter 338 - Professions a...
Act 135 of 1986 Asbestos Ab...
135-1986-III Chapter Iii (338.3301...338.3319)
135-1986-III Chapter Iii (338.3301...338.3319)
Section 338.3301 Duties of Department.
Section 338.3303 Receiving or Initiating Complaints of Alleged Violations.
Section 338.3305 Investigation; Grounds for Denying, Suspending, or Revoking License; Applicability.
Section 338.3306 Issuance of Subpoena by Circuit Court.
Section 338.3307 Monetary Civil Penalties; Issuance, Contents, and Delivery of Citation.
Section 338.3309 Petition for Administrative Hearing; Notice; Attendance of Employee Representative; Affirming, Dismissing, or Modifying Citation; Judicial Review; Finality, Payment, and Recovery of Civil Penalty; Conduct of Administrative Hearings.
Section 338.3311 Violation as Misdemeanor; Penalty; Prosecution.
Section 338.3313 Application of Other Sanctions, Penalties, or Provisions Not Precluded.
Section 338.3315 Annual Report.
Section 338.3317 Effective Date of Licensing Provisions.
Section 338.3319 Conditional Effective Date.