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451-1994-III-1-THE-GREAT-LAKES-326 Part 326 Gre...
451-1994-III-1-THE-GREAT-LAKES-326 Part 326 Great Lakes Submerged Logs Recovery (324.32601...324.32615)
Section 324.32601 Definitions.
Section 324.32602 Submerged Logs; Reservation of Ownership Rights.
Section 324.32603 Removal of Submerged Logs From Bottomlands, Patented Lands, or Underwater Preserves; Permit.
Section 324.32604 Application for Submerged Log Removal Permit; Submission; Form; Information; Time Period for Submission; Disposition of Fees.
Section 324.32605 Receipt of Completed Application; Review by Department; Issuance of Permit; Conditions.
Section 324.32606 Department Review of Application; Issuance; Limitation; Time Period for Making Decision; Conditions; Notification of Approval or Denial; Disposition of Fees.
Section 324.32607 Submerged Log Removal Permit; Overlaps; Expiration; Transfer; Bond; Termination; "Bond" Defined.
Section 324.32608 Application for Submerged Log Removal Permit; Hearing.
Section 324.32609 Sawlog Stumpage Value; Reservation of Payments; "Sawlog Stumpage Value" Defined; Report and Payments Due; Disposition of Payments; Overdue Payment.
Section 324.32610 Submerged Log Recovery Fund.
Section 324.32611 Great Lakes Fund.
Section 324.32612 Violation; Civil Action; Remedies; Civil Fine.
Section 324.32613 Violation as Misdemeanor; Penalties.
Section 324.32614 Repealed. 2018, Act 237, Eff. Sept. 25, 2018.
Section 324.32615 Rules.