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451-1994-II-2-85 Part 85 Fertilizers (324.8501....
451-1994-II-2-85 Part 85 Fertilizers (324.8501...324.8522)
Section 324.8501 Definitions; a to T.
Section 324.8501a Definitions; M to U.
Section 324.8502 Label; Invoice.
Section 324.8503 Order and Form of Guaranteed Analysis; Minimum Percentage of Plant Nutrients; Additional Plant Nutrients; Other Beneficial Compounds or Substances.
Section 324.8504 License to Manufacture or Distribute Fertilizer; Fee; Application; Beneficial Use By-Product Intended for Beneficial Use 3; Notice of Additional Distribution Points; Exceptions; Expiration; Operation of Business Located Outside of State.
Section 324.8505 Distribution of Specialty Fertilizer or Soil Conditioner; Registration; Application; Labels to Accompany Application; Beneficial Use By-Product Intended for Beneficial Use 3; Copy of Registration Approval; Expiration; Fees; Labeling Blended Soil Conditioners; Operation of Business Located Outside of State.
Section 324.8506 Inspection Fee; Tonnage Reports as Basis of Payment; Waiver; Penalty; Unpaid Fees and Penalties as Basis of Judgment; Responsibility for Reporting Tonnage and Paying Inspection Fee; Deposit of Money Collected.
Section 324.8506a Audits.
Section 324.8507 Records; Disclosure of Information.
Section 324.8508 Construction and Application of Part.
Section 324.8509 Prohibitions.
Section 324.8510 Inspecting, Sampling, and Analyzing Fertilizer and Soil Conditioners; Methods; Rules; Access to Premises; Stopping Conveyances; Submission of Information to Department; Confidentiality.
Section 324.8511 Selection of Sample From Package or Bulk Lot for Comparison With Label; Order to Cease and Desist; Seizing, or Stopping Sale Of, Fertilizer or Soil Conditioner; Conditions; Filing Action With Court.
Section 324.8512 Nitrates in Groundwater Exceeding Certain Limits Associated With Aquifer Sensitivity or Fertilizer Use; Educational Materials Provided to Fertilizer Users; Authority of Department Director; Eligibility of Regional Stewardship to Receive Certain Grants; Authorization to Land-Apply Materials Containing Fertilizers at Agronomic Rates.
Section 324.8512b Fertilizer Containing Phosphate; Application to Turf; Requirements.
Section 324.8512f Release of Fertilizer on Impervious Turf; Application of Fertilizer on Frozen or Saturated Turf.
Section 324.8512g Residential Uses of Phosphorus; Consumer Information on Use Restrictions and Recommended Best Practices.
Section 324.8512h Fertilizer Advisory Committee; Membership; Terms; Removal; Vacancy; Meetings; Quorum; Duties; Meetings Subject to Open Meetings Act; "Committee" Defined.
Section 324.8513 Rules; Bulk Storage of Fertilizers; Exemption.
Section 324.8514 Fertilizer Control Fund; Creation; Deposits; Money Remaining in Fund; Lapse; Expenditures; Grants to Local Government Agencies, Institutions of Higher Education, or Nonprofit Organizations; Notice to Legislature.
Section 324.8515 Revocation or Refusal of License or Registration; Grounds; Hearing; Exception for Refusal to Sell Ammonium Nitrate Fertilizer.
Section 324.8516 Enforcement; Rules.
Section 324.8517 Local Ordinance, Regulation, or Resolution; Preemption; Adoption; Enforcement; Identification of Unreasonable Adverse Effects; Local Public Meeting; Contract by Director With Local Government; Compliance With Training and Enforcement Requirements; Application of Fertilizer Containing Phosphate.
Section 324.8518 Ammonium Nitrate Fertilizer; Storage Methods; Information to Be Obtained by Retailers; Records; Refusal of Retailer to Sell.
Section 324.8519 Hearing; Request.
Section 324.8520 Violations; Penalties; Remedies; Injunctive Action; Civil Action; Defenses; Liability for Damages; Applicability of Provisions of Revised Judicature Act.
Section 324.8521 Penalties and Sanctions; Exceptions.
Section 324.8522 Finding of Probable Cause.