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U.S. State Codes
Chapter 3 - Federal and Int...
Act 159 of 1993 Establishment of Base Conversio...
Act 159 of 1993 Establishment of Base Conversion Authority (3.571 - 3.580)
Section 3.571 Definitions.
Section 3.572 Base Conversion Authority; Creation by Executive Order.
Section 3.573 Base Conversion Authority; Appointment and Qualifications of Members; Designation of Chairperson; Ex Officio Members; Duration of Authority; Service of Members; Vacancy; Meetings; Voting; Quorum; Compensation; Election of Officers; Employment of Personnel; Appointment of Subcommittees and Task Forces.
Section 3.574 Duties; Oath of Office; Supplying Bond.
Section 3.575 Business Conducted at Public Meeting; Availability of Writings to Public.
Section 3.576 Base Conversion Authority as Body Corporate, Governmental Unit, Public Entity, and Public Agency; Signing and Attesting to Official Papers; Grant of Power Construed.
Section 3.577 Base Conversion Authority; Functions; Exercise of Certain Powers.
Section 3.578 Conversion Base Authority; Powers.
Section 3.579 Annual Report.
Section 3.580 Dissolution of Authority; Disposition of Property.