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U.S. State Codes
Chapter 299 - Natural Resources
Chapter 299 - Natural Resources
Act 17 of 1921 Department of Natural Resources (299.1 - 299.10)
E.R.O. No. 1973-2 Executive Reorganization Order (299.11 - 299.11)
E.R.O. No. 1988-1 Executive Reorganization Order (299.12 - 299.12)
E.R.O. No. 1991-22 Executive Reorganization Order (299.13 - 299.13)
Act 310 of 1994 Environmental Education Act (299.31 - 299.36)
Act 173 of 1929 Aboriginal Records and Antiquities (299.51 - 299.57)
Act 27 of 1944 (1st Ex. Sess.) Recreational Facilities (299.101 - 299.109)
Act 316 of 1965 Outdoor Recreation (299.111 - 299.116)
Act 326 of 1965 Recreation and Cultural Arts Section (299.121 - 299.127)
Act 27 of 1993 Michigan Trailways Act (299.131 - 299.144)
Act 285 of 1986 Nongame Fish and Wildlife Trust Fund Act (299.151 - 299.161)
Act 281 of 1939 Wildlife Restoration, Management, and Research (299.201 - 299.201)
Act 179 of 1974 Wildlife Preservation (299.211 - 299.214)
Act 203 of 1974 Endangered Species Act of 1974 (299.221 - 299.230)
Act 93 of 1992 Biological Diversity Conservation Act (299.231 - 299.237)
Act 188 of 1988 Forest and Mineral Resource Development Act (299.251 - 299.257)
Act 366 of 1974 Resource Recovery Act (299.301 - 299.321)
Act 60 of 1976 “Pcb” Compounds (299.351 - 299.360)
Act 249 of 1986 Clean Michigan Fund Act (299.371 - 299.393)
Act 641 of 1978 Solid Waste Management Act (299.401 - 299.437)
Act 416 of 1988 Recycling Target Enterprise Development Council (299.451 - 299.455)
Act 411 of 1988 Recycling Makes Cents, Office Paper Recovery Act (299.461 - 299.464)
Act 415 of 1988 Plastics Recycling Development Fund Act (299.471 - 299.478)
Act 414 of 1988 Labeling of Plastic Products (299.481 - 299.484)
Act 64 of 1979 Hazardous Waste Management Act (299.501 - 299.551)
Act 133 of 1990 Scrap Tire Regulatory Act (299.561 - 299.572)
Act 307 of 1982 The Environmental Response Act (299.601 - 299.618)
Act 171 of 1986 Landfill Maintenance Trust Fund (299.621 - 299.625)
Act 326 of 1988 Environmental Protection Bond Authorization Act (299.651 - 299.660)
Act 328 of 1988 Environmental Protection Bond Implementation Act (299.671 - 299.685)
Act 423 of 1984 Underground Storage Tank Regulatory Act (299.701 - 299.712)
Act 245 of 1987 Waste Minimization Act (299.731 - 299.740)
Act 247 of 1987 Waste Reduction Assistance Act (299.751 - 299.765)
Act 222 of 1987 Environmental Technology Act (299.781 - 299.787)
Act 518 of 1988 Michigan Underground Storage Tank Financial Assurance Act (299.801 - 299.828)
Act 478 of 1988 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Act (299.831 - 299.850)
Act 20 of 1990 Disposal of Batteries (299.861 - 299.869)
Act 148 of 1993 Waste Reduction Assistance Act (299.871 - 299.882)
Act 147 of 1993 Waste Minimization Act (299.891 - 299.898)
E.R.O. No. 1994-4 Executive Reorganization Order (299.901 - 299.901)
E.R.O. No. 1995-3 Executive Reorganization Order (299.911 - 299.911)