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U.S. State Codes
Chapter 289 - Pure Foods and Standards
Chapter 289 - Pure Foods and Standards
Act 263 of 1917 Food and Drug Commissioner (289.2 - 289.12)
Act 211 of 1893 Dairy and Food Commissioner (289.35 - 289.49)
Act 167 of 1899 Dairy and Food Commissioner (289.61 - 289.61)
Act 37 of 1913 Collection of Fees (289.71 - 289.73)
Act 193 of 1895 Food; Adulteration, Fraud, and Deception (289.81 - 289.100)
Act 64 of 1913 Standards of Purity for Food and Drugs (289.111 - 289.111)
Act 411 of 1919 Business of Canning and Preserving (289.121 - 289.133)
Act 7 of 1905 Use of Preservatives (289.141 - 289.142)
Act 165 of 1943 Use of Saccharin, Sodium Cyclamate, or Calcium Cyclamate (289.151 - 289.151)
Act 344 of 1917 Warehouses, Cold Storage Plants, and Slaughterhouses (289.201 - 289.203)
Act 355 of 1941 Frozen Food Locker Plants (289.211 - 289.219)
Act 259 of 1933 Sausage (289.231 - 289.242)
Act 340 of 1913 Immature or Unwholesome Calves (289.251 - 289.253)
Act 166 of 1957 False Advertising of Meat and Meat Products (289.261 - 289.268)
Act 315 of 1972 Statements as to Meats (289.271 - 289.276)
Act 115 of 1939 Eggs (289.301 - 289.313)
Act 244 of 1963 Eggs (289.321 - 289.336)
Act 126 of 1927 Soft Drinks (289.401 - 289.418)
Act 208 of 1903 Buckwheat Flour (289.501 - 289.505)
Act 418 of 1919 Pepper, Cloves, and Nutmeg (289.521 - 289.526)
Act 280 of 1996 Maple Syrup (289.531 - 289.534)
Act 123 of 1903 Corn Syrup (289.541 - 289.542)
Act 384 of 1913 Vinegar (289.551 - 289.559)
Act 228 of 1952 Michigan Comminuted Meat Law (289.581 - 289.592)
Act 69 of 1956 Grain Treated With Poisonous or Injurious Substance (289.611 - 289.614)
Act 70 of 1961 Seal of Quality Act (289.631 - 289.646)
Act 39 of 1968 Michigan Food Law of 1968 (289.701 - 289.727)
Act 328 of 1978 Food Processing Act of 1977 (289.801 - 289.810)
Act 381 of 1998 Michigan Agricultural Processing Act (289.821 - 289.825)
E.R.O. No. 2007-27 Executive Reorganization Order (289.841 - 289.841)
Act 92 of 2000 Food Law (289.1101 - 289.8111)