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U.S. State Codes
Chapter 288 - Dairy Industry
Chapter 288 - Dairy Industry
Act 169 of 1929 Dairy Products (288.1 - 288.15)
Act 233 of 1965 Fluid Milk Act of 1965 (288.21 - 288.29a)
Act 139 of 1939 Breed Names of Dairy Cattle (288.41 - 288.45)
Act 212 of 1935 Milk Fat Test Law (288.51 - 288.60)
Act 216 of 1956 Milk and Milk Products (288.71 - 288.83)
Act 222 of 1913 Manufacturing Milk Act (288.101 - 288.117)
Act 91 of 1962 Processing Dairy Products by Steam Infusion (288.121 - 288.126)
Act 291 of 1947 Pasteurization of Milk and Milk Products (288.131 - 288.137)
Act 45 of 1967 Pasteurization of Milk and Milk Products (288.141 - 288.149)
Act 293 of 1945 Pasteurization of Milk and Other Dairy Products (288.151 - 288.153)
Act 93 of 1915 Pasteurization of By-Products (288.161 - 288.162)
Act 330 of 1945 Michigan Filled Milk Act (288.171 - 288.177)
Act 96 of 1919 Official Cream Tester (288.181 - 288.184)
Act 155 of 1939 Overrun in Manufacture of Butter; Records (288.201 - 288.206)
Act 211 of 1955 Butter Grading and Labeling (288.211 - 288.217)
Act 243 of 1903 Renovated Butter (288.221 - 288.223)
Act 22 of 1901 Imitation Butter (288.241 - 288.242)
Act 63 of 1913 Oleomargarine or Margarine (288.251 - 288.257)
Act 45 of 1891 Butter Substitutes in Public Institutions (288.261 - 288.262)
Act 30 of 1923 Cheese (288.281 - 288.284)
Act 222 of 1931 Michigan Ice Cream Act (288.301 - 288.315)
Act 298 of 1968 Frozen Desserts Act of 1968 (288.321 - 288.334)
Act 154 of 1915 Standard Milk Bottles (288.351 - 288.353)
Act 257 of 1911 Opening or Interfering With Milk Bottles (288.371 - 288.372)
Act 124 of 1957 Farm Bulk Milk Tanks (288.381 - 288.391)
Act 235 of 1961 Imitation Cream (288.401 - 288.406)
Act 77 of 1977 Polybrominated Biphenyl Contamination (288.421 - 288.436)
Act 220 of 1983 Silos Treated With Polychlorinated Biphenyls (288.451 - 288.454)
Act 266 of 2001 Grade a Milk Law of 2001 (288.471 - 288.540)
Act 267 of 2001 Manufacturing Milk Law of 2001 (288.561 - 288.740)