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U.S. State Codes
Chapter 280 - Drain Code of...
Act 40 of 1956 The Drain Co...
40-1956-21. Chapter 21. Intercounty Drains; Pub...
40-1956-21. Chapter 21. Intercounty Drains; Public Corporations. (280.511...280.549)
Section 280.511 Definitions.
Section 280.512 Public Health; Assessment Against Public Corporations.
Section 280.513 Petition to Locate, Establish, and Construct Intercounty Drain; Determination; Filing and Contents of Petition; Notice; Certified Copy of Resolution; Authorizing Execution; Order of Determination.
Section 280.514 Drainage Board; Membership; Chairperson; Appointee; Exception.
Section 280.515 Augmented Drainage Board; Members, Compensation; Expenses.
Section 280.516 Minutes of Meetings; Secretary's Duties, Records, Filing.
Section 280.517 Preliminary Finding; First Meeting of Boards, Time and Place, Notice, Selection of Secretary.
Section 280.518 Meetings of Drainage Board or Augmented Drainage Board; Notice; Quorum; Action by Board; Signing of Orders.
Section 280.519 Augmented Drainage Board; Tentative Determinations; Naming Drain and Drainage District; Composition of District; Resolution; New Meeting; Objections; Notice of Hearing; Final Order of Determination; Eliminating or Adding Public Corporation; Further Action by Drainage Board; Correction or Addition to Proceedings.
Section 280.520 Plans, Specifications, and Estimate of Cost; Approval, Adoption, and Filing; Route of Drain; Apportionment of Costs; Designation of Area to Be Served; Assumption of Additional Cost; Altering or Supplementing Proceedings.
Section 280.521 Objections to Apportionments; Notice of Hearing; Confirmation or Readjustment of Apportionments; Notice of Rehearing; Final Order of Apportionment.
Section 280.522 Lands and Rights of Way; Condemnation; Procedure, Federal Government Participation; Prior Agreement as to Highways; Costs.
Section 280.523 Contracts With Federal Government or Corporations; Bids.
Section 280.524 Designation of a County Treasurer; Deputies, Bonds; Expenditures.
Section 280.525 Special Assessment Roll; Preparation; Estimated or Actual Costs; Annual Installments; Interest; Advance Payment; Spreading Levy on County Tax Roll; Altering or Supplementing Proceedings.
Section 280.526 Special Assessment Roll; Contents; Approval; Statement; Certification to Assessed Public Corporation; Installments and Interest; Advances From County Funds; Notice; Deduction; Reimbursement; Assessments Against State; Sufficiency of Taxes; Corrected Roll; Altering or Supplementing Proceedings.
Section 280.527 Statutory or Charter Tax Limitation Inapplicable; Rate or Amount of Taxes.
Section 280.528 Bonds; Issuance; Maturity; Mandatory Redemption; Signatures; Collection of Assessments.
Section 280.529 Additional Assessment; Apportionment.
Section 280.530 Drainage Board; Continuation; Responsibility; Expenses; Relinquishment; Moneys, Disposition; Consent.
Section 280.531 Advances by Corporations; Reimbursement.
Section 280.532 Venue of Actions; Appointment of Circuit Judge.
Section 280.533 Costs; Items.
Section 280.534 Deputy for Director of Agriculture; Powers.
Section 280.535 Improvements or Additions to Drains for Public Health.
Section 280.536 Certiorari; Time; Legal Establishment of Drain.
Section 280.537 Procedures; Incorporation of Other Chapters in Drainage Board Orders.
Section 280.538 New Cities; Service of Notice on Township Clerk or De Facto City Officer.
Section 280.538a Land Especially Benefited by Drain Project; Duties of Legislative Body; Affidavit as Conclusive Proof of Notice; Meeting; Powers of Legislative Body; Reimbursement for Pro Rata Share of Costs.
Section 280.539 Land Especially Benefited by Drain Projects; Special Assessment; Resolution; Preparation of Special Assessment Roll; Conduct of Proceedings; Objections; Hearing in Lieu of Meeting; Use of Special Assessment Collections; Reduction of Annual Levy; Charges.
Section 280.540 Relief Drains.
Section 280.541 River, Creek, or Watercourse; Petition to Inclusion in Jurisdiction.
Section 280.542 River, Creek, or Watercourse; Petition; Content, Deposit to Pay Costs, Filing; Drainage Board, Hearing and Notice.
Section 280.543 River, Creek, or Watercourse; Board Determination, Final Order, Contents, Recording, Effect.
Section 280.544 River, Creek, or Watercourse; Final Order of Determination; Recording Effect on Private Rights.
Section 280.545 River, Creek, or Watercourse; Assessment of Costs, Hearing; Powers.
Section 280.546 Drainage Board Funds; Investment of Surplus, Interest.
Section 280.547 Surplus Construction Funds; Use; Transfer; Provisions of Contract With Public Corporation; Return of Funds; Applicability of Mcl 280.547a; Definition.
Section 280.547a Surplus Construction Funds; Disposition; Use.
Section 280.548 Pollution in Intercounty Drain; Abatement; Petition.
Section 280.549 Assessments Against Townships and Villages.
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