(a) In this section, “county” includes Baltimore City.
(b) A request for Partnership funding may be submitted to the Department by:
(1) The governing body of a county; or
(2) The governing body of more than one county.
(c) A request for Partnership funding shall be made in accordance with a schedule and format determined by the Department, in consultation with the Task Force to Study Increasing the Availability of Substance Abuse Programs.
(d) In a request for Partnership funding, the applicant or applicants shall include:
(1) A description of the proposal;
(2) (i) An indication of the eligible targeted population or populations that the proposal will serve; or
(ii) The eligible functions that will be funded under the proposal;
(3) A description of the services to be provided under the proposed new or expanded program and an identification of the local providers able to provide those services;
(4) A plan to reach the targeted populations using relevant means of contact;
(5) Performance and outcome indicators to evaluate the program effectiveness, including a description of the expected schedule and methods for measuring performance and outcome; and
(6) A statement of the funds or in–kind contributions that the applicant intends to commit.
(e) In evaluating a request for Partnership funding, the Department shall consider:
(1) The performance and outcome indicators specified;
(2) The degree to which the proposal may reduce the need for other State or local public services or programs intended for the populations targeted by the proposal;
(3) The extent to which the proposal incorporates the use of excess or otherwise available medical–related facilities, including vacant hospital beds;
(4) How the proposal fits into a balanced approach to the State’s variety of substance abuse needs and populations that serves different geographic areas of the State with Partnership funding; and
(5) The extent to which the proposal is part of or consistent with a regional strategy for substance abuse treatment programs affecting adjoining jurisdictions.
(f) (1) The Department shall award Partnership funding following the considerations in this section.
(2) (i) Except as provided in subparagraph (ii) of this paragraph, a county granted funding shall be responsible for one–half of the cost of the approved partnership.
(ii) The Department may award Partnership funding that results in a county being responsible for less than one–half of the cost of the approved partnership after considering:
1. The financial hardship of the participating county;
2. Prior contributions of funds for substance abuse treatment programs made by the participating county; or
3. Other relevant considerations deemed appropriate by the Department.
(3) Except as provided in paragraph (4) of this subsection, a participating county:
(i) May use Partnership funds only to supplement levels of spending by the participating county on drug treatment programs; and
(ii) May not use Partnership funds to supplant spending by the participating county on drug treatment programs.
(4) If a participating county began spending county or other non–State funds on eligible functions after October 1, 2010, the participating county may use Partnership funding to continue or expand funding for eligible functions.