§1403. All other state bonds
A. All other bonds, of whatever type, of the state of Louisiana and its boards, departments, commissions, authorities, and agencies (except the following which are excluded from the operation of this Chapter: municipalities, parishes, parish and municipal school boards and districts, levee boards and districts, housing authorities, community improvement agencies, redevelopment agencies, public trusts except when the state is the beneficiary of the financing, political subdivisions and units of local government created by or governed by the governing authorities of parishes or municipalities, and any drainage or special service districts, such as water, sewerage, garbage and lighting districts created by or pursuant to legislative acts) shall be sold by the State Bond Commission.
B. In the case of the bond issues to be sold under the authority of this Section, the State Bond Commission, in consultation with the board, department, commission, authority, or agency with responsibility for the issuance of the respective bonds under applicable law and for carrying out the purposes for which the bond proceeds are to be expended, shall have authority to select bond counsel and other consultants, to assist in the issuance, sale and delivery of bonds and to help determine the form and details of the bonds in compliance with the law; to determine the amount of bonds to be sold from time to time or at any one time; to select the time at which bonds are to be sold; in the case of general obligation bonds or bonds payable from tax revenues to sell the bonds to the bidder submitting the highest and best bid therefor or to reject any and all bids, and in the case of revenue bonds not guaranteed by the state and payable from the revenues derived from a project financed with the proceeds of the bonds or guaranteed by payments to be made by a private corporation to sell the bonds in accordance with the law authorizing their issuance in such manner, not inconsistent therewith, as may be determined by the State Bond Commission to be most advantageous to the issuer; and to remit the proceeds from the sale of such bonds to the appropriate agency. All other authority and responsibility vested in the board, department, commission, authority or agency issuing the bonds shall remain therewith, and the State Bond Commission shall have no authority or responsibility other than provided for by this subsection.
C. Bonds of boards, departments, commissions, authorities, and agencies subject to the provisions of this Section shall be sold by the State Bond Commission in the manner as provided by the laws authorizing such agencies to issue such bonds and as provided in R.S. 39:1403(B). All such bonds shall have endorsed thereon the recital:
"This bond sold by the State Bond Commission on behalf of __________________ in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 11 of Title 39 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950.
The endorsement shall be signed by either the state treasurer, the assistant state treasurer, or the secretary of the State Bond Commission, which signature may be a facsimile.
Acts 1968, Ex.Sess., No. 26, §3. Amended by Acts 1975, No. 765, §1; Acts 1975, No. 794, §1, eff. July 17, 1975; Acts 1976, No. 248, §1, eff. July 27, 1976; Acts 1981, No. 103, §1, eff. July 2, 1981; Acts 2011, No. 344, §2.