§2121. Conduct of elections
All elections herein authorized, and the details and procedure relating to the voting of taxes and issuance of negotiable bonds, polling places, qualifications of voters, list of voters, challenging votes, form of ballots, notice to voters, election officers and their substitutes, election officers and their oaths, voting, opening and closing of polls, counting ballots, canvass of returns, proces verbal, preservation of ballots, issuing bonds and the resolution authorizing issuance of bonds, limit of indebtedness, maximum duration, interest on bonds, form of bonds, and the signing of bonds, resolution prescribing terms, maturity, registration as to principal, as to interest, levy of taxes, sale of bonds, sale at par, and application of premium, exemption from taxes, no other statutes applicable, validity of bonds, contests and time limited, application of proceeds, and penalties for violations, etc., shall be held and had, except as herein otherwise provided, under the provisions of Chapter 4, Sub-title II of Title 39.