§3768. Officers; duties; powers
A. The Secretary of the said Board of Trustees shall keep books, provided for the purpose, containing a full and complete record of all proceedings of the Board of Trustees, particularly with reference to investing of funds, belonging to the said Pension and Relief Fund as hereinafter provided for, which proceedings shall be spread upon the minutes in full. He shall file and keep all correspondence of the Board and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the said Board of Trustees. He shall especially maintain a book record showing the date each member of said Bus Drivers' Department together with all breaks or interruptions in the continuity of service and explanations of such interruptions, their causes, etc. for the purpose of perpetuating an intelligent service record of each employee of the Department.
B. The President and Vice President shall perform such duties as are usually incidental to such office.
C. The said Board of Trustees shall have the power, and it shall be its duty to:
(1) Make all rules and regulations necessary to the proper conduct of the business of the Fund under the provisions of the law, which said rules and regulations shall be adopted by and with the advice and consent of a majority of the membership of the said Bus Drivers' Department.
(2) Retain such legal, medical, clerical or other services as may be necessary for the conduct of the affairs of the fund, and make compensation for such services.
(3) Cause such amounts as may be set forth in the law to be deducted from the salaries of the active participants in the Fund and paid into the Treasury of the Fund.
(4) Keep all necessary records of its meeting and proceedings.
(5) Annually at the close of the fiscal year cause to be posted in each office at City Hall and Bus Barn a recapitulation of the Fund, prepared by an independent Certified Public Accountant, showing number of pensioners, amount of disbursements, revenues received and present condition and manner of investment of the said Fund and special reports shall be made and posted prior to the annual meetings when requested by a majority of the said Board of Trustees.
(6) At such time after considering the probable current demands upon such Fund, determine what portion of said Fund may be safely withdrawn from the current cash account for investment for revenue purposes, and having so determined, invest the same in the manner hereinafter authorized, and all proceedings of the said Board of Trustees relating thereto shall be entered upon its records. Such investment shall be only in Bonds and/or Certificates of the Treasury of the United States of America bearing Government's guarantee of face value and/or in the shares of any building and loan or homestead corporation or association domiciled in the State of Louisiana where the shares of such building and loan or homestead corporation or association are insured by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation of Washington, D.C., provided that such investment in the shares of anyone of said building and loan or homestead corporations or associations shall not exceed the amount so insured. All bonds and/or certificates evidencing said investments shall be deposited in a Safety Deposit Vault in the designated Depository. Income from such investments shall be and become a part of the said Bus Drivers' Pension and Relief Fund.
Designated from Acts 1952, No. 187, §8 by Acts 1991, No. 74, §3, eff. June 25, 1991.