76.640 Enforcement powers. (1) Any metropolitan sewer district which has initiated a wastewater collection project under the provisions of KRS Chapters 76 and 107 may enforce payment of annual improvement benefit assessments levied in respect of such project and may enforce rules and regulations relative to this project by directing the company or governmental unit providing water services to any benefited property to discontinue water services until: (a) the improvement benefits and penalties are duly paid and (b) the regulations and rules shall have been duly complied with and any defaults have been cured. However, a metropolitan sewer district shall indemnify the company or governmental unit providing water services from any liability for damages for terminating water services upon the direction of a district. (2) Water suppliers shall be entitled to collect from owners of benefited properties a reasonable fee for termination and reinstatement of water services. (3) It shall be lawful for metropolitan sewer districts initiating wastewater collection projects to covenant with holders of bonds that the district shall enforce the provisions of this section. (4) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this section, metropolitan sewer districts initiating projects pursuant to KRS Chapters 76 and 107 shall have all powers and rights granted to cities and sewer bodies by KRS 96.930 through 96.943. History: Created 1976 (1st. Extra. Sess.) Ky. Acts ch. 13, sec. 5.