29A.070 Juror qualification forms. (1) The Chief Circuit Judge shall cause to be mailed or delivered with the summons to each juror a juror qualification form accompanied by instructions to fill out and return the form by mail or hand delivery to the clerk within five (5) days after its receipt, or to be completed as otherwise directed. The juror qualification form shall be provided by the Administrative Office of the Courts and subject to approval by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. (2) The juror qualification form shall contain the prospective juror's signed declaration that his responses are true to the best of his knowledge and his acknowledgment that a willful misrepresentation of a material fact may be punished by a fine or by imprisonment, or both. Notarization of the juror qualification form shall not be required. (3) If the prospective juror is unable to fill out the form, another person may do it for him and shall indicate that he has done so and the reason therefor. (4) Any prospective juror who fails to return a properly completed juror qualification form as instructed may be directed by the Chief Circuit Judge to appear forthwith to fill out a juror qualification form. At the time of his appearance for jury service, any prospective juror may be questioned by the judge or his designee, but only with regard to his responses to questions contained on the form and grounds for his excuse or disqualification. Any information thus acquired shall be noted on the juror qualification form. (5) A prospective juror who fails to appear as directed by the judge pursuant to subsection (4) of this section shall be ordered to appear and show cause for his failure to appear as directed. If the prospective juror fails to appear pursuant to the judge's order or fails to show good cause for his failure to appear as directed by the judge, he may be punished for contempt. (6) No person shall willfully misrepresent a material fact on a juror qualification form. (7) The contents of juror qualification forms shall be made available to parties or their attorneys of record unless the court determines in any instance in the interest of justice that this information shall be kept confidential or its use limited in whole or in part. Effective: September 1, 1977 History: Created 1976 (1st Extra. Sess.) Ky. Acts ch. 22, sec. 18, effective September 1, 1977.