268.480 Owners may maintain improvements -- Credit slip for work done -- Terms -- Use. (1) Owners in a district may be employed on maintenance work and their work credited against their maintenance assessments, within the discretion of the board or the drainage commissioners. In part or full payment for the work, printed credit slips shall be issued by the president of the board, the drainage commissioner and the treasurer of the district, each slip showing to whom issued, the date and hours of work, whether day labor, teams or otherwise, materials supplied, location of work and any other information the board considers proper. Before becoming valid, the credit slips shall be approved by the board and made a part of its records. Rates of pay shall not be greater than current for similar work in the locality. The work shall be distributed among the landowners as equitably as is economically possible, but economy shall be the first consideration, and only satisfactory workers shall be employed. (2) At least twenty (20) days before the maintenance assessments are due all credit slips shall be sent to the treasurer and proper deductions made for them from the maintenance assessments. The board shall report to the sheriff the deductions to be made, and a copy of the report shall be retained in the minutes. The board may authorize the treasurer to receive money payments to make up the balance due on maintenance assessments. The sheriff shall collect the remainder of the assessments in the regular way. The board may, at its discretion, permit transfer of credit slips from one (1) owner to another, and the use of credit slips in other than the year in which the work was done. Otherwise the credit slips shall be valid only in the year in which the work is done. Credit slips shall not be used in payment of other than maintenance assessments. Effective: October 1, 1942 History: Recodified 1942 Ky. Acts ch. 208, sec. 1, effective October 1, 1942, from Ky. Stat. sec. 2380b-43a.