199.8992 Development of statewide network of community-based child-care resource and referral services -- Awarding of contracts. (1) To the extent possible with available funds, the Cabinet for Health and Family Services shall develop through a system of contracts, a statewide network of community-based child-care resource and referral services. The network shall include one (1) resource and referral agency per area development district as designated by the cabinet. To avoid duplication of services, priority for receiving designation by the cabinet shall be given to existing child-care resource and referral organizations which are public or private, nonprofit, community-based agencies. Each resource and referral agency shall: (a) Maintain a uniform database in a format developed by the cabinet of all child- care providers licensed pursuant to KRS 199.896 or certified pursuant to KRS 199.8982 in the service area, including information on the availability of care; (b) Provide consumer education to families seeking child-care services; (c) Provide timely referrals of available child-care providers to families seeking child-care services; (d) Recruit child-care providers in areas where there is an identified need as identified pursuant to paragraph (f) of this subsection; (e) Coordinate, with the cabinet, training for child-care providers and provide technical assistance to employers, current and potential child-care providers, and the community at large; (f) Collect and analyze data on the supply of, and demand for, child-care in the community; (g) Stimulate employer involvement in improving the affordability, availability, safety, and quality of child care for their employees and for the community; (h) Provide written educational materials to parents and child-care providers; (i) Not operate a child-care center on behalf of an employer or on their own unless no existing provider is willing or able to provide the service at the current market rate. This paragraph shall not apply to child care provided by a resource and referral agency to an employer prior to July 14, 1992; and (j) Form community early childhood councils in cooperation with family resource centers and other local organizations or agencies. (2) To the extent possible with available funds, the cabinet shall award contracts in accordance with KRS Chapter 45A to: (a) Coordinate existing resource and referral services; (b) Expand resource and referral services to unserved areas; and (c) Improve services provided by the designated resources and referral agency. (3) When awarding the contracts provided for in subsection (2) of this section, priority shall be given to agencies which demonstrate the ability to provide local matching funds in an amount equal to twenty-five percent (25%) of the total amount of the contract. Contracts shall be awarded for a minimum period of up to one (1) year. Start-up contracts may be awarded in up to four (4) area development districts per year until each area development district has one (1) designated child-care resource and referral agency. The awarding of a contract pursuant to this section shall not create a continuing obligation for the cabinet to fund a resource and referral agency. The cabinet shall require applicants to submit a plan for providing the services required by subsection (1) of this section. Effective: June 20, 2005 History: Amended 2005 Ky. Acts ch. 99, sec. 197, effective June 20, 2005. -- Amended 2000 Ky. Acts ch. 308, sec. 21, effective July 14, 2000. -- Amended 1998 Ky. Acts ch. 426, sec. 161, effective July 15, 1998. -- Created 1992 Ky. Acts ch. 57, sec. 7, effective July 14, 1992.