198B.620 Refusal to renew license -- Revocation or suspension of license -- Appeal -- Criminal penalty
(1) Subject to a hearing conducted in accordance with KRS Chapter 13B, the commissioner may refuse to renew or may suspend or revoke the license of a licensed fire protection sprinkler contractor or the certificate of a certificate holder to engage in the business of fire protection sprinkler systems or in lieu thereof assess an administrative fine not to exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000) for any of the following reasons: (a) Gross incompetency or gross negligence in the installation, repair, alteration, maintenance, inspection, or addition to fire protection sprinkler systems, as determined by the commissioner; (b) Conviction of a felony; (c) Fraudulent or dishonest practices while engaging in the business of fire protection sprinkler systems; (d) Use of false evidence or misrepresentation in an application for a license or certificate; (e) Signing or affixing his or her seal to any plans, prints, specifications or reports, which have not been prepared by him or her personally or under his or her immediate supervision, or in violation of KRS 198B.585; or Knowingly violating any provisions of KRS 198B.550 to 198B.630 or the regulations issued thereunder
(f) (2) The commissioner shall revoke, subject to a hearing in accordance with KRS Chapter 13B, the license of a fire protection sprinkler contractor or a certificate holder who engages in the fire protection sprinkler system business during a suspension of the license
(3) Any person who engages in the drawings, installation, repair, alteration, extension, maintenance, or inspection of fire protection sprinkler systems or uses any title, sign, card, or device indicating or intending to indicate that he or she is a certified fire sprinkler contractor without having first obtained the requisite license or certificate shall be guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. Each violation shall be regarded as a separate offense
(4) Any license or certificate holder who is aggrieved by a final order of the commissioner suspending or revoking a license may appeal to the Franklin Circuit Court or the Circuit Court of the county of the license or certificate holder's place of business in accordance with KRS Chapter 13B
Effective:June 29, 2017 History: Amended 2017 Ky. Acts ch. 169, sec. 38, effective June 29, 2017. -- Amended 2010 Ky. Acts ch. 24, sec. 284, effective July 15, 2010. -- Amended 2008 Ky. Acts ch. 82, sec. 4, effective July 15, 2008. -- Amended 1996 Ky. Acts ch. 318, sec. 87, effective July 15, 1996. -- Created 1984 Ky. Acts ch. 383, sec
15, effective July 13, 1984