171.392 Rock fence preservation fund. (1) There is hereby established in the State Treasury a rock fence preservation fund, which shall be administered by the council. The fund may receive appropriations, gifts, grants, federal funds, revolving funds, and any other funds from public and private sources, to be used for reconstruction and repair of the Commonwealth's historic drylaid rock fences and historic mortared rock fences. (2) Moneys deposited in the fund shall be disbursed by the State Treasurer under the Rock Fence Preservation Program established in KRS 171.393. (3) Fund amounts not expended at the close of a fiscal year shall not lapse but shall be carried forward to the next fiscal year. Income earned from investment of the fund shall become part of the fund and shall not lapse. (4) Amounts deposited in the fund are hereby appropriated for the purposes set forth in KRS 171.391 to 171.393, and in no case shall the funds be used for executive agency administrative costs. Effective: June 26, 2007 History: Created 2007 Ky. Acts ch. 11, sec. 2, effective June 26, 2007. Legislative Research Commission Note (6/26/2007). The numbering of subsections in this section has been altered from the numbering of 2007 Ky. Acts ch. 11, sec. 2 by the Reviser of Statutes under the authority of KRS 7.136.