164.530 Regional Compact of Southern States for Educational Services -- Approval and signature of -- Legislative Advisory Council to Southern Regional Education Board -- Membership -- Legislative Work Conference. (1) The Regional Compact of Southern States for Regional Educational Services [the text of which is set forth at length in Chapter 252 of the Acts of the 1950 General Assembly] be and the same is hereby approved and the State of Kentucky is hereby declared to be a party thereto, and the agreements, covenants, and obligations therein are declared to be binding upon the State of Kentucky. (2) The Governor shall sign an engrossed copy of the compact and sufficient copies be provided so that every state approving the compact shall have an engrossed copy. (3) (a) The Kentucky members of the Legislative Advisory Council to the Southern Regional Education Board shall be represented by three (3) members of the Kentucky Senate, at least one (1) of whom shall be a member of the minority party, appointed by the President of the Senate; and three (3) members of the Kentucky House of Representatives, at least one (1) of whom shall be a member of the minority party, appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives. (b) The President of the Senate shall appoint five (5) delegates to the Legislative Work Conference and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall appoint five (5) delegates to the Legislative Work Conference. The delegates shall include the Legislative Advisory Council members from each chamber. Effective: March 31, 2003 History: Amended 2003 Ky. Acts ch. 160, sec. 4, effective March 31, 2003. -- Created 1950 Ky. Acts ch. 252, secs. 1 and 2.