151B.132 Office of the Kentucky Center for Statistics -- Purpose -- Kentucky Longitudinal Data System -- Collection of education and workforce data -- Certification and ownership of data -- Funding. (1) The Office of the Kentucky Center for Statistics is hereby established and attached to the Education and Workforce Development Cabinet, Office of the Secretary. (2) The office's purpose is to collect accurate data in the Kentucky Longitudinal Data System in order to link the data and generate timely reports about student performance through employment to be used to guide decision makers in improving the Commonwealth of Kentucky's education system and training programs. (3) The office shall be headed by an executive director appointed by the Governor pursuant to KRS 12.050. The executive director shall be appointed from nominations made to the Governor by the board. The office may employ additional staff necessary to carry out the office's duties consistent with available funding and state personnel laws. (4) The public agencies providing data to the Kentucky Longitudinal Data System shall be: (a) The Council on Postsecondary Education; (b) The Department of Education; (c) The Early Childhood Advisory Council; (d) The Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority; (e) The Kentucky Commission on Proprietary Education; and (f) Other agencies of the Education and Workforce Development Cabinet. (5) The Kentucky Longitudinal Data System, upon approval of the board, may include data from any additional public agency. (6) Any private institution of higher education, private school, or parochial school, upon approval of the board, may provide data to the Kentucky Longitudinal Data System. (7) Any data provided to the Kentucky Longitudinal Data System shall be certified to be accurate by the providing agency, institution, or school. Ownership of data provided shall be retained by the providing entity. (8) The office may receive funding for its operation of the Kentucky Longitudinal Data System from the following sources: (a) State appropriations; (b) Federal grants; (c) User fees; and (d) Any other grants or contributions from public agencies or other entities. Effective: June 27, 2019 History: Amended 2019 Ky. Acts ch. 154, sec. 2, effective June 27, 2019. -- Created 2013 Ky. Acts ch. 18, sec. 2, effective June 25, 2013; and ch. 90, sec. 2, effective June 25, 2013.