80-405. Receipts and disbursements; quarterly statement; examination and approval. Every township treasurer shall keep, electronically or in a book provided for that purpose, a true account of all moneys received and disbursed by him or her by virtue of his or her office, specifying particularly the sources from which money has been received by him or her; and the person or persons to whom and the objects for which the same has been paid out by him or her; and he or she shall present to the township board, at their quarterly meeting in October, a full and correct itemized statement, duly signed and certified by him or her, of all moneys received and of all moneys paid out by him or her during the year, and he or she shall exhibit the vouchers therefor, which certified statement shall be on a blank provided for that purpose. Said report of said treasurer shall be carefully examined by the board, and when found correct shall be approved by them, and placed in charge of the township trustee.
History: L. 1898, ch. 39, § 1; L. 2007, ch. 39, § 4; July 1.