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U.S. State Codes
8-1701 Scope and effect of sections in article 17; unlawful acts.
8-1702 Approval or disapproval of equipment by secretary of transportation.
8-1703 When lighted lamps required.
8-1704 Visibility distance and mounted height of lamps; method and conditions of measuring.
8-1705 Head lamps on motor vehicles.
8-1706 Tail lamps.
8-1707 Reflectors.
8-1708 Stop lamps and turn signals.
8-1709 Application of 8-1710 to 8-1714.
8-1710 Additional lighting equipment required on certain vehicles.
8-1711 Color of clearance lamps, identification lamps, side marker lamps and reflectors.
8-1712 Mounting of reflectors, clearance lamps and side marker lamps.
8-1713 Visibility requirements for reflectors, clearance lamps, identification lamps and side marker lamps.
8-1714 Operation of obstructed lamps not required on combination of vehicles.
8-1715 Lamps or flags required on projecting loads.
8-1716 Parked vehicles; lamps required; color; location; time for display of lighted lamps; depressing or dimming of head lamps.
8-1717 Lights, lamps and reflectors on farm tractors; slow-moving vehicle and slow-moving vehicle emblem defined; requirements for slow-moving vehicles; unlawful acts; exception.
8-1718 Lamps and equipment required on implements of husbandry, road rollers, road machinery and animal-drawn vehicles.
8-1719 Spot lamps, fog lamps, auxiliary passing lamps and auxiliary driving lamps.
8-1720 Lamps and lights on authorized emergency vehicles; alternately or simultaneously flashing head lamps.
8-1721 Stop lamps and signal lamps; color; visibility.
8-1722 Vehicular hazard warning lamps; warning lamps on police vehicles; trash trucks.
8-1723 Additional lighting equipment permitted; neon ground effect lighting; lead vehicle of funeral procession.
8-1724 Multiple-beam road-lighting equipment; visibility; direction of beam; high beam indicator.
8-1725 Head lamps; use of; exception for alternately or simultaneously flashing head lamps.
8-1726 Single-beam road-lighting equipment permitted on certain vehicles.
8-1727 Alternate road-lighting equipment on certain vehicles; limitations on speed.
8-1728 Number of driving lamps required or permitted.
8-1729 Lights and signals; restrictions; exceptions for certain vehicles including school, church and day care buses.
8-1730 Lighting equipment and warning devices on school buses.
8-1730a Definitions of "church bus" and "day care program bus"; equipment and markings.
8-1731 Lights on highway construction and maintenance vehicles; rules and regulations of secretary.
8-1734 Braking systems for motor vehicles and combinations of vehicles; performance requirements; additional braking systems, when; antique vehicles exempted.
8-1738 Horns and warning devices.
8-1739 Mufflers and noise suppressing systems.
8-1740 Mirrors.
8-1741 Windshields and windows; damaged windshields prohibited; obstruction or impairment prohibited; wipers.
8-1742 Restrictions as to tire equipment.
8-1742a Sale of unsafe tires; misdemeanor.
8-1742b Wide-base single tires; prohibitions.
8-1743 Safety glazing material requirements; limitation on registration; misdemeanor.
8-1744 Flares or warning devices; vehicles subject to requirements; use, when required; unlawful acts; compliance with federal requirements.
8-1745 Display of vehicular hazard warning signal lamps and warning devices by certain stopped or disabled vehicles.
8-1746 Vehicles transporting hazardous materials; regulations by secretary, compliance; markings of and equipment on vehicles; misdemeanor.
8-1747 Air-conditioning equipment.
8-1749 Safety belts and shoulder harnesses.
8-1749a One-way glass and sun screening devices; requirements; exceptions; penalties.
8-1749b Sun screening devices; definitions.
8-1749c Unlawful installation of sun screening device; penalty.
8-1759 Spot inspections by highway patrol; penalties.
8-1759a Inspection by highway patrol upon reasonable cause; notice of defects; penalties.
8-1761 Improper compression release engine braking system.