8-1,109. Same; sale, repossession, foreclosure or transfer of title of fleet vehicles; notice to division; surrender of identification devices; replacement of vehicles; fees; conditions and limitations. (a) When a vehicle which is a part of a fleet registered under the provisions of K.S.A. 8-1,101 to 8-1,123, inclusive, and amendments thereto, is sold, repossessed, foreclosed by mechanic's lien, has had the title transferred by operation of law or cancellation or expiration of a lease agreement or is otherwise disposed of by the owner, the owner of such vehicle shall delete such vehicle from the owner's fleet by notifying the division of vehicles in a manner and upon a form prescribed by the director. The director shall require such owner to surrender identification devices which have been issued with respect to such vehicle.
(b) A vehicle which is eligible for deletion as part of a fleet may be replaced in such fleet by a newly acquired vehicle during a registration year upon application therefor and payment of a transfer fee of $5, and any title fee applicable. New apportioned fleet registration identification devices shall be issued for such replacement vehicle. If the vehicle deleted from a fleet and the replacement vehicle to such fleet are both motor vehicles, and the declared gross weight of the replacement vehicle is greater than that for which the deleted vehicle was registered, the owner thereof shall pay the difference in apportioned registration fee for the time remaining in a registration year, including the transfer fee prescribed. The provisions of this subsection shall only be applicable if the vehicle to be deleted from a fleet and the replacement vehicle to such fleet are both motor vehicles, trailers or semitrailers respectively, or the deleted vehicle is deleted or disposed of on or before the date the replacement vehicle is purchased or leased by the fleet owner.
History: L. 1978, ch. 30, § 15; L. 1982, ch. 39, § 3; L. 1994, ch. 76, § 11; L. 1998, ch. 27, § 2; Jan. 1, 1999.