77-518. Notice of hearing. (a) The presiding officer for the hearing shall set the time and place of the hearing and give reasonable written notice at least 10 days prior to the hearing to all parties and to all persons who have filed written petitions to intervene in the matter. Service of notices shall be made in accordance with K.S.A. 77-531, and amendments thereto.
(b) The notice shall include a copy of any prehearing order rendered in the matter.
(c) To the extent not included in a prehearing order accompanying it, the notice shall include:
(1) The names and mailing addresses of all parties and other persons to whom notice is being given by the presiding officer;
(2) the name, official title, mailing address and telephone number of any counsel or employee who has been designated to appear for the state agency;
(3) the official file or other reference number, the name of the proceeding and a general description of the subject matter;
(4) a statement of the time, place and nature of the hearing;
(5) a statement of the legal authority and jurisdiction under which the hearing is to be held;
(6) the name, official title, mailing address and telephone number of the presiding officer;
(7) a statement of the issues involved and, to the extent known to the presiding officer, of the matters asserted by the parties; and
(8) a statement that a party who fails to attend or participate in a prehearing conference, hearing or other stage of an adjudicative proceeding may be held in default under this act.
(d) The notice may include any other matters the presiding officer considers desirable to expedite the proceedings.
(e) The state agency shall cause notice to be given to persons entitled to notice under any provision of law who have not been given notice under subsection (a) by the presiding officer. Notice under this subsection shall be given in the manner specified by such provision of law or, if no such manner is specified, in a manner to be determined by the agency. If a person other than the agency is directed to give notice under this subsection, the agency shall require that the person furnish proof that the notice has been given. Notice under this subsection may include all types of information provided in subsections (a) through (d) or may consist of a brief statement indicating the subject matter, parties, time, place and nature of the hearing, manner in which copies of the notice to the parties may be inspected and copied and name and telephone number of the presiding officer.
History: L. 1984, ch. 313, § 18; L. 1988, ch. 356, § 8; L. 1997, ch. 182, § 93; July 1, 1998.