76-364. State board of regents authorized to grant right-of-way easement to city of Lawrence over certain lands. The state board of regents is hereby authorized to grant a right-of-way easement to the city of Lawrence over land owned by the state, such easement to permit use of said land for street purposes and such other right-of-way purposes as are customarily related to such easements; such land at 15th and Iowa streets in Lawrence being described as follows:
A tract of land lying adjacent to the existing right-of-way beginning at a point 80 feet east and 70 feet south of the northwest corner of section 1, T13S, R19E, thence northeasterly to a point 300 feet east and 30 feet south of said northwest corner, thence east to a point 858 feet east and 30 feet south of said northwest corner, thence south 10 feet, thence west 458 feet to a point 400 feet west and 40 feet south of said northwest corner, thence south 20 feet, thence west to a point 300 feet east and 60 feet south of said northwest corner, thence southwesterly to a point 80 feet west and 90 feet south of said northwest corner, thence north 20 feet to a point of beginning, in Douglas county, Kansas.
The form of such easement shall be approved by the attorney general and a copy thereof filed with the secretary of state.
History: L. 1971, ch. 285, § 1; April 15.