74-8951. Same; division of housing of department of commerce and housing and undersecretary for housing abolished; powers, duties and functions transferred. (a) The division of housing within the department of commerce and housing and the undersecretary for housing within the department of commerce and housing created by K.S.A. 74-5002g, and amendments thereto, are hereby abolished. On the effective date of this order, the department of commerce and housing is hereby renamed the department of commerce, and the secretary of commerce and housing is hereby renamed the secretary of commerce.
(b) Except as otherwise provided by this order, all of the powers, duties and functions of the existing division of housing within the department of commerce and housing, and the existing undersecretary of housing within the department of commerce and housing, are hereby transferred to and imposed upon the division of housing within the Kansas development finance authority and the director of housing established by this order.
(c) Except as otherwise provided by this order, all of the powers, duties and functions of the department of commerce and housing and the secretary of commerce and housing that relate to housing and housing-related purposes are hereby transferred to and imposed upon the Kansas development finance authority and the president of the Kansas development finance authority.
History: Executive Reorganization Order No. 30, L. 2003, ch. 171, § 2; July 1.