- 74-8701 Title of act.
- 74-8702 Definitions.
- 74-8703 Kansas lottery established; executive director and other personnel; cooperation of other agencies; emergency purchases.
- 74-8704 Executive director, powers.
- 74-8705 Major procurement contracts; procurement negotiating committee; background investigation and information.
- 74-8706 Executive director, duties.
- 74-8708 Lottery retailers.
- 74-8709 Kansas lottery commission; membership; qualifications; chairperson; terms; meetings; powers and duties; compensation and allowances.
- 74-8710 Rules and regulations; Kansas lottery act; Kansas expanded lottery act; approval of new games; keno.
- 74-8711 Lottery operating fund; deposits; authorized uses; transfers to state gaming revenues fund, community crisis stabilization centers fund, clubhouse model program fund.
- 74-8712 Lottery prize payment fund.
- 74-8713 Loans to lottery from state general fund.
- 74-8714 Law enforcement powers, certain employees.
- 74-8715 Assistant attorney general.
- 74-8716 Conflicts of interests; penalties.
- 74-8717 Forgery of lottery ticket; penalty.
- 74-8718 Unlawful sale of lottery ticket; penalty.
- 74-8719 Unlawful purchase of lottery ticket; penalty.
- 74-8720 Prizes.
- 74-8721 Ticket sales exempt from sales tax.
- 74-8722 Lottery advertisements and promotions, minors.
- 74-8723 Abolition of lottery.
- 74-8724 Veterans benefit lottery game; disposition of net profits.
- 74-8725 Use of minors to determine compliance with law, limitations.
- 74-8731 Multistate lottery; agreement; enactment.
- 74-8732 Same; state's representative.
- 74-8733 Kansas expanded lottery act, severability; constitutional challenges in Shawnee county district court.
- 74-8734 Lottery gaming facilities; gaming zones; gaming facility management contract requirements; privilege fees; revenue distribution; eminent domain prohibited.
- 74-8735 Lottery gaming facility review board; membership; compensation; attachment to Kansas racing and gaming commission.
- 74-8736 Lottery gaming facility management contract approval process; parimutuel licensees; deadlines.
- 74-8737 Lottery gaming facility; county election required; waiver.
- 74-8738 Certification of county election.
- 74-8739 Sale or service of alcohol permitted.
- 74-8740 Contracts to place electronic gaming machines at parimutuel licensee locations.
- 74-8741 Racetrack facility management contracts; requirements; contract shall not constitute property.
- 74-8742 Lottery commission, Kansas racing and gaming commission approval of racetrack gaming facility management contracts.
- 74-8743 Electronic gaming machines at parimutuel racing facilities; county election required; waiver.
- 74-8744 Executive director duties; rules and regulations; electronic gaming machines, limitations on number; privilege fee.
- 74-8745 Information and data disclosure procedures; certain information confidential.
- 74-8746 Requirements for electronic gaming machines at parimutuel licensee locations; Sedgwick, Wyandotte and Crawford counties; exceptions.
- 74-8747 Net electronic gaming machine income; distribution.
- 74-8748 Kansas lottery commission; rules and regulations.
- 74-8749 Electronic gaming machine operating criteria; pay out; link to central lottery communication system.
- 74-8750 Examination and certification of electronic gaming machines, lottery facility games; confiscation of certain machines.
- 74-8751 Rules and regulations; certification of certain persons connected with lottery gaming and racetrack gaming.
- 74-8752 Inspection; investigation; approval of advertising; annual audits; open records exception.
- 74-8753 Certain financing, tax abatement prohibited.
- 74-8754 Claims; state and state officials held harmless; insurance provisions.
- 74-8755 Consent to any action or garnishment by lottery gaming facility manager and racetrack gaming facility manager.
- 74-8756 Wager, loan and credit restrictions; criminal penalties.
- 74-8757 Lottery gaming facilities; age restrictions.
- 74-8758 Racetrack gaming facility, lottery gaming facility wagering restrictions; penalties.
- 74-8759 Manipulating electronic gaming machine game or lottery facility game, penalty.
- 74-8760 Unlawful wagering; penalties.
- 74-8761 Gray machines prohibited; penalties.
- 74-8762 Restrictions on state and local officials and affiliated persons; penalties.
- 74-8763 Criminal history records check.
- 74-8764 Problem gambling; posting information signs; failure to post, penalty.
- 74-8765 Major procurement contract restrictions inapplicable.
- 74-8766 Expanded lottery receipts fund established; separate accounts for each facility.
- 74-8767 Live horse racing purse and live greyhound racing purse supplemental fund; authorized uses.
- 74-8768 Expanded lottery act revenues fund; authorized uses.
- 74-8769 Background checks.
- 74-8770 Local government taxes prohibited.
- 74-8771 Transportation of gaming devices, exemption from federal act.
- 74-8772 Kansas racing and gaming commission; rules and regulations.
- 74-8773 Employment of officers and employees; unclassified service.
- 74-8774 Audits; selection of firm.
- 74-8775 Kansas lottery audit contract committee; membership.
- 74-8776 Audits; procurement of firm or firms to perform audit work.
- 74-8777 Same; selection of firm or firms; considerations.
- 74-8778 Same; contracts for audit work; requirements; responsibilities of selected firm.
- 74-8779 Same; performance of firm; written audit reports; duty of confidentiality.
- 74-8780 Sections part of and supplemental to the Kansas lottery act.