68-1413. Replacement, reconstruction or repair of certain bridges damaged by flood or other casualty; use of funds; bonds. Whenever it is necessary to replace, reconstruct or repair any bridge or bridges over any river on any county road, which road connects with a county road of another county, or connects with a road on the state highway system, which bridge shall have been destroyed or rendered impassable by flood, high water, fire or other casualty, then the board of county commissioners is hereby authorized and empowered to expend not to exceed the sum of one hundred sixty thousand dollars ($160,000) to pay the entire cost or the county's share of the cost of such replacement, reconstruction or repair of such bridge. Such expenditure may be made from any unallocated and available funds in the county road and bridge fund or from revenue derived from the issuance of bonds, or from the separate fund for the construction of roads and bridges on the county secondary system or from two or more of such sources, and such county is hereby authorized to issue bonds for such purpose. Such bonds shall be issued, registered, sold, delivered and retired in accordance with the provisions of the general bond law and may be issued without submitting the question of their issuance to a vote of the electors.
The board of county commissioners may receive and expend any federal, state, or other funds made available for such improvement which expenditure may be in addition to the amount hereinbefore authorized to be expended by the county. The provisions of K.S.A. 19-214, 19-215 and 19-216 shall be applicable to any improvement made under the authority conferred by this section. This act shall be construed as a separate and additional method for the replacement, reconstruction and repair of bridges and no other law of this state shall apply except as herein expressly provided.
History: L. 1951, ch. 392, § 1; L. 1971, ch. 223, § 4; July 1.