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U.S. State Codes
Chapter 58 PERSONAL AND REA...
Article 38 EASEMENTS
Article 38 EASEMENTS
58-3801 Creation of solar easements; recordation.
58-3802 Same; contents.
58-3810 Uniform conservation easement act; definitions.
58-3811 Same; creation; duration; impairment; conveyance or assignment.
58-3812 Same; judicial actions; who may bring action affecting conservation easement; modification or termination by court.
58-3813 Same; validity of conservation easement.
58-3814 Same; application of act.
58-3815 Same; uniformity of application and construction.
58-3816 Same; certain utility and water district easements not impaired.
58-3817 Same; short title.
58-3820 Restrictive covenants; political yard signs; limitations.
58-3821 Transfer fee covenant; definitions; not enforceable.
58-3822 Same; limitations.