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U.S. State Codes
Chapter 58 PERSONAL AND REA...
58-2201 Who deemed seized and possessed of lands.
58-2202 Term "heirs" not necessary to estate in fee simple; what shall pass in conveyance of real estate.
58-2203 Form of warranty deed.
58-2204 Form of quitclaim deed.
58-2205 How conveyances executed and acknowledged.
58-2206 Corporation conveyances executed prior to 1887 validated.
58-2207 Title acquired after conveyance passes to grantee, when.
58-2208 Adverse possession; interest may be conveyed notwithstanding.
58-2209 Conveyance of real estate; signature required.
58-2210 Creation of trusts or powers, how executed.
58-2211 Acknowledgment of instrument relating to real estate.
58-2214 Unacknowledged deed; proof of execution and delivery.
58-2215 Same; before whom proof made.
58-2216 Same; certificate, contents.
58-2217 How certificates must be given.
58-2218 False statement and certificate; penalty.
58-2219 Subpoena of witnesses.
58-2221 Recordation of instruments conveying or affecting real estate; duties of register of deeds.
58-2222 Same; filing imparts notice.
58-2223 Same; unrecorded instrument valid only between parties having actual notice.
58-2224 Recordation of instruments, papers or documents; making of photographic or microphotographed copies deemed recording and record books, when.
58-2228 Validity of instruments acknowledged in other states.
58-2229 Instruments as evidence.
58-2230 Same; certified copies as evidence, when; authenticated copies from other states; recordation.
58-2231 Instruments recorded prior to 1868 as notice.
58-2232 Certificate, record or transcript not conclusive evidence.
58-2233 Previous acts not invalidated.
58-2234 Validation of acknowledgments made by register of deeds.
58-2235 Record of defective instruments made prior to 1887 as notice.
58-2236 Record of defective instruments made prior to 1901 as notice.
58-2237 Certain defective instruments validated after being on record ten years; instrument, record or copy as evidence.
58-2238 Escheats of alien's property to state forfeited, when.
58-2239 County clerk to keep transfer record; separate records for tax-exempt lands.
58-2240 Furnishing of information on transfer record to appraiser.
58-2241 Duty of register of deeds to enter instruments on transfer record.
58-2242a Decree or judgment changing ownership or title to real estate; entry upon transfer records.
58-2247 Title by adverse possession of land for public park.
58-2248 Recording title to lands patented by state to railroads.
58-2249 Protection of bona fide purchasers of Indian land.
58-2252 Validating defective assignments and releases of trust deeds.
58-2253 Action to set aside defective assignment or releases of trust deeds or to foreclose; time limit.
58-2254 Time for bringing actions to enforce claims and liens filed in register of deed's office; exception.
58-2255 Validating certain defective and irregular guardians' deeds recorded prior to March 2, 1888.
58-2255a Validating certain defective and irregular guardians' deeds recorded after March 1, 1888, and prior to April 1, 1919.
58-2256 Failure to return to owners certain instruments pertaining to real estate; demand.
58-2257 Instruments pertaining to real estate; failure to return to owners; remedies.
58-2258 Records of deeds destroyed by fire in Elk county; validation; time for presenting proof of invalidity.
58-2259 Recorded deeds executed pursuant to district or probate court proceedings in Dickinson county prior to January 17, 1882, validated; time for attacking.
58-2260 Validating certain Riley county probate court recorded deeds and instruments executed prior to July 12, 1951; time for attacking.
58-2261 Same; validating certain recorded judgments or orders rendered prior to July 12, 1951; time for attacking.
58-2262 Validating certain proceedings prior to January 1, 1948, and certain deeds recorded prior to July 1, 1948; time for attacking.
58-2263 Validating certain instruments recorded prior to January 1, 1944.
58-2264 Insurance charges other than premiums on insurance written in connection with transactions unlawful.
58-2265 Same; instrument requiring insurance; disclosure of insurance information.
58-2266 Same; definitions.
58-2267 Same; construction of act.
58-2268 Same; penalties for violations.
58-2269 Validation of certain deeds executed to convey certain real estate purchased by county in tax foreclosure actions and later sold by county.
58-2271 Abandoned pipeline easements; release, failure to file, remedy.
58-2272 Instruments conveying interest involving wind or solar resources and technologies.
58-2273 Instruments purporting to cover mineral or royalty rights not owned by grantor; "mother hubbard" or other cover-all clauses.