46-1211. Office of revisor of statutes; revisor of statutes; assistants and employees; duties and functions of office. (a) There is hereby established the office of revisor of statutes whose head shall be the revisor of statutes and who shall be appointed by the legislative coordinating council to serve under its direction. The revisor of statutes may be removed from office by a vote of five members of the legislative coordinating council taken at any regular meeting of such council. The revisor of statutes shall receive such compensation as is determined by the legislative coordinating council. The revisor of statutes, and any of the revisor of statutes' assistants specified by the legislative coordinating council, shall receive expenses and allowances for in-state and out-of-state travel as is provided by law for members of the legislature. The revisor of statutes shall appoint such assistants and employees of the office of revisor of statutes as are authorized by the legislative coordinating council and shall set their compensation subject to the approval of such council. The revisor of statutes and all assistants and employees of the office of revisor of statutes shall be in the unclassified service.
(b) The office of revisor of statutes shall perform the following functions: Drafting of bills, resolutions and other legislative documents; legal consultation for members of the legislature and legislative committees; legal research; supervise revisions and compilations of the general laws of this state; prepare and publish Kansas Statutes Annotated, Supplements thereto and publication of additional and replacement volumes thereof; recommend to the standing judiciary committees or to other appropriate legislative committees such bills as will tend to update or clarify existing laws; other duties as provided by law; and such other legal duties as are directed by the legislative coordinating council.
(c) The office of revisor of statutes, to the extent possible, shall provide a staff member in attendance at all meetings of all special committees, select committees and all standing committees when the legislature is not in session. Such staff member shall provide legislative legal consultation and bill drafting services, and shall suggest such technical changes in statutes and bill drafts as may be expedient to make the same more harmonious, clear or understandable, consistent with the policies espoused by such committee and within the subject field of its study. Such staff member shall also assist in legislative procedural matters as may be needed.
(d) Special committees, select committees and standing committees are expected to utilize the foregoing staff services to the extent the same are available in making all studies.
History: L. 1971, ch. 184, § 11; L. 1988, ch. 366, § 13; June 1.