39-1704. Regional interagency councils; convening of; purpose; chairperson; composition; procedure and meetings; duties; confidentiality. (a) Subject to the provisions of subsection (b), the director, or an appointed designee of the director, of each area office of the Kansas department for children and families shall convene a regional interagency council to coordinate or assure delivery of services at such area office to children and adolescents who require multiple levels and kinds of specialized services which are beyond the capability of one agency. The director, or the appointed designee of the director, shall serve as chairperson of the council convened by such director or designee.
(b) In those areas where the secretary for children and families determines that councils or committees already exist for the purpose of enhancing interagency cooperation and collaboration of service delivery, a regional interagency council as described in subsection (a) need not be convened.
(c) Each regional interagency council shall consist of: (1) Authorized decision makers who are representative of agencies; (2) parents; (3) community business representatives; and (4) such other persons as directors of area offices of the Kansas department for children and families may determine.
(d) Each regional interagency council shall establish its own internal procedures and shall meet as often as needed to:
(1) Review all cases referred to them by one of the agencies represented or by a family member;
(2) develop a plan, negotiated with a family member and, where appropriate, the child or adolescent, for the provision of services to the child or adolescent and family whose case has been referred. This plan shall include a description of each needed service and shall specify the agency responsible for providing the service within the timeline specified by the council;
(3) maintain information sufficient to assess the effectiveness of the interagency council in meeting the service needs of children and adolescents and their families;
(4) make an annual report to the joint committee on children and families and to the Kansas commission on children, youth and families regarding the local assessment;
(5) determine what service needs are not being met in their region and develop and plan to meet these service needs;
(6) make an annual report to the joint committee on children and families and to the Kansas commission on children, youth and families regarding the service needs which are not being met and the plan to meet these service needs;
(7) establish interagency agreements as necessary for coordination of services to children and adolescents and their families who are served by more than one agency;
(8) refer any problems with service coordination to the joint committee on children and families and to the Kansas commission on children, youth and families; and
(9) ensure that members of the council receive training in collaborative teaming as needed.
(e) Each regional interagency council and its members are responsible for maintaining confidentiality by securing appropriate authorizations from a parent or person acting as parent of a child or adolescent for release of confidential information received by the council.
History: L. 1992, ch. 264, § 4; L. 2014, ch. 115, § 182; July 1.