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U.S. State Codes
Chapter 25 ELECTIONS
25-202 Methods of nomination of candidates; limitation on filing for office; exceptions to application of article.
25-203 Time of holding primary.
25-204 Primary election notice.
25-205 Names of candidates printed on primary election ballots; nomination petitions, form and requirements; declarations of intent with fee; deadline for filing nomination petitions and declarations of intention to become candidate; candidates for municipal office; procedures.
25-206 Fees of candidates; declaration.
25-208 Place of filing nomination petitions and declarations.
25-208a Validity of nominations; determination; duties of secretary of state and county election officers; objections.
25-209 Certification of candidates; publication notice of primary elections; municipal primary elections.
25-210 Official primary election ballots.
25-211 Pre-election ballot inspection; changes in ballots; number of ballots printed.
25-212 Arrangement of names on ballots; rotation; municipal offices.
25-213 Official primary election ballots; form and contents; names printed more than once on ballot prohibited, exception; names printed on ballot of one party printed or written on ballot of another party prohibited; minimum votes required for election or nomination; write-in candidate winner; withdrawal of name; municipal ballots.
25-213a Ballot form; governor and lieutenant governor.
25-214 Statutes applicable to primary elections.
25-215 Qualifications of voters at primary elections; registration required.
25-216 Challenging right to vote; affidavit.
25-222 Forms; copies of act.
25-223 Payment of primary election expenses.