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U.S. State Codes
Chapter 19 COUNTIES AND COU...
19-3801 Incorporation or enlargement; petition; limitation.
19-3801a Inclusion of land located in another benefit district.
19-3802 Petition by landowners for incorporation; contents of petition; notice and hearing; land excluded.
19-3803 Conduct of hearing; incorporation, when; corporate name; first board of directors.
19-3804 Records of organization; filing.
19-3805 Enlargement of district; petition; notice and hearing; filing order.
19-3806 Dissolution on petition of county attorney, when; notice and hearing.
19-3807 Dissolution upon petition of owners of three-fourths of land in district; notice and hearing; filing orders; records to county clerk; tax levy, when.
19-3808 Powers of industrial districts; limitations.
19-3809 Construction of facilities; powers of directors.
19-3810 Board of directors; powers; qualifications; meetings; officers; rules and bylaws; seal; contracts; records, public; bond of treasurer; quarterly statements; duties of county treasurer.
19-3811 Same; regular and special meetings, quorum; majority vote; vacancies.
19-3812 Same; rules and regulations, publication.
19-3813 Same; compensation of directors; term of office.
19-3814 Same; election of directors; notice; conduct of election; persons entitled to vote; declaration, certification and filing of election results.
19-3815 Same; powers and duties of board; surveys, plans and estimates; engineer's report.
19-3815a Same; general obligation bonds; resolution; publication; action affecting validity of bonds, limitation.
19-3815b Same; revenue bonds, when; resolution; revenue fund, use; surplus; application of certain statutes.
19-3816 Statement before action against district; time for settlement.
19-3817 Industrial districts not within school district, when; exceptions; tax levies for schools; rates; distribution of tax moneys; computation of taxes; bond and interest levies; distribution of moneys.
19-3818 Act not to impair powers of other political subdivisions; annexation by cities; contracts.
19-3819 Invalidity of part.
19-3820 Territory of industrial district included in unified school district, when; bond and interest levies for bonds authorized before creation of industrial district; collection and disposition of moneys.
19-3821 Industrial districts heretofore organized may elect to become subject to the provisions of this act; petition; hearing; records; limitation on bond issuance.