321.376 License — authorization — instruction requirement.
1. The driver of a school bus shall hold a driver’s license issued by the department of transportation valid for the operation of the school bus and a certificate of qualification for operation of a commercial motor vehicle issued by a physician or osteopathic physician licensed pursuant to chapter 148, physician assistant, advanced registered nurse practitioner, or chiropractor or any other person identified by federal and state law as authorized to perform physical examinations, and shall successfully complete an approved course of instruction in accordance with subsection 3. A person holding a temporary restricted license issued under chapter 321J shall be prohibited from operating a school bus.
2. The department of education shall refuse to issue an authorization to operate a school bus to any person who, after notice and opportunity for hearing, is determined to have met any of the grounds listed under section 321.375, subsection 3. The department of education shall take adverse action against any person who, after notice and opportunity for hearing, is determined to have met any of the grounds listed under section 321.375, subsection 3. Such action may include a reprimand or warning of the person or the suspension or revocation of the person’s authorization to operate a school bus. A hearing pursuant to section 321.375, subsection 3, paragraph “e”, shall be limited to the question of whether the person was incorrectly listed in the registry. The department of education shall recommend, and the state board of education shall adopt under chapter 17A, rules and procedures for issuing and suspending or revoking authorization to operate a school bus in this state. Rules and procedures adopted shall include but are not limited to provisions for the revocation or suspension of, or refusal to issue, authorization to persons who are determined to have met any of the grounds listed under section 321.375, subsection 3.
3. A person applying for employment or employed as a school bus driver shall successfully complete a department of education approved course of instruction for school bus drivers before or within the first six months of employment and at least every twenty-four months thereafter. If an employee fails to provide an employer with a certificate of completion of the required school bus driver’s course, the driver’s employer shall report the failure to the department of education and the employee’s authorization to operate a school bus shall be revoked. The department of education shall send notice of the revocation to both the employee and the employer. A person whose school bus authorization has been revoked under this section shall not be issued another authorization until certification of the completion of an approved school bus driver’s course is received by the department of education.
4. As used in this section and section 321.375, “driver of a school bus” or “school bus driver” does not include a mechanic, delivery driver, or other person operating an empty school bus for purposes other than the transportation of passengers. Such persons must still hold a commercial driver’s license valid for the operation of a vehicle of the size and type operated, including a passenger endorsement, but are not required to hold a driver’s license with a school bus endorsement.
[C39, §5032.05; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §321.376]
89 Acts, ch 222, §1; 90 Acts, ch 1230, §71; 91 Acts, ch 201, §1; 92 Acts, ch 1163, §76; 93 Acts, ch 127, §9; 2002 Acts, ch 1140, §36; 2006 Acts, ch 1152, §51; 2009 Acts, ch 133, §120; 2011 Acts, ch 38, §18; 2012 Acts, ch 1047, §5; 2015 Acts, ch 29, §114
Referred to in §285.8, 321.378, 321.380, 331.653