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U.S. State Codes
Title 8. Utilities and Tran...
Article 6. Railroad Crossings
Chapter 1. Highway Crossings
Chapter 1. Highway Crossings
8-6-1-1. Investigations; numbering of crossings
8-6-1-2. Requisite information; forms; investigation
8-6-1-3. Surveys and reports
8-6-1-4. Hearings on location and construction; orders
8-6-1-5. Repealed
8-6-1-6. Maximum or ruling grade; exceeding
8-6-1-7. Relocation or consolidation of crossings; hearing on establishment or extension of highway at grade over railroad; construction of new railroad
8-6-1-8. Number of crossings; determination
8-6-1-9. Consent to construction