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U.S. State Codes
Title 8. Utilities and Tran...
Article 16. Bridges and Tun...
Chapter 15.5. New Harmony and Wabash River Brid...
Chapter 15.5. New Harmony and Wabash River Bridge Authority
8-16-15.5-1. Definitions
8-16-15.5-2. Bridge authority; establishment; powers
8-16-15.5-3. Bridge authority; members
8-16-15.5-4. Terms; vacancies
8-16-15.5-5. Organizational meeting
8-16-15.5-6. Purpose
8-16-15.5-7. Powers
8-16-15.5-8. Bonds and notes
8-16-15.5-9. Members, officers, and employees; immunity from personal liability
8-16-15.5-10. Liability for bonds and notes; tax exemption
8-16-15.5-11. Authorization to invest in bridge authority bonds and notes
8-16-15.5-12. Securities registration requirements; exemption
8-16-15.5-13. Pledges of proceeds, investment earnings, or other money
8-16-15.5-14. Property taxes; special assessments; exemption
8-16-15.5-15. State and political subdivisions; immunity from liability