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U.S. State Codes
Title 8. Utilities and Tran...
Article 1. Utilities Generally
Chapter 1. Utility Regulatory Commission
Chapter 1. Utility Regulatory Commission
8-1-1-1. "Commission" defined; references to public service commission
8-1-1-2. Creation of commission; membership; term of office; chairman
8-1-1-3. Organization of commission; administrative law judges; investigation and hearing; bond; powers and duties
8-1-1-4. Repealed
8-1-1-4.1. Payment of expenses
8-1-1-5. Impartiality of commission; evidence; record; utility consumer counselor; ex parte communications; executive sessions; violations
8-1-1-6. Repealed
8-1-1-7. Survival, actions, or appeals pending before abolished commission
8-1-1-8. Hearings; publication of notice
8-1-1-9. Suggested orders; filing exceptions
8-1-1-10. Survival, actions, or proceedings pending before former commission
8-1-1-11. Staff of commission
8-1-1-12. Repealed
8-1-1-13. Repealed
8-1-1-14. Annual report
8-1-1-15. Implementing rules; duration
8-1-1-16. Commission to consider effect of governmental requirements upon utility's operational expenses