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U.S. State Codes
Title 8. Utilities and Tran...
Article 1.5. Municipal Util...
Chapter 2. Transfer, Acquisition, and Improveme...
Chapter 2. Transfer, Acquisition, and Improvement of Utilities by Municipalities
8-1.5-2-1. Application of chapter; exception
8-1.5-2-2. Application of chapter; additional exceptions
8-1.5-2-3. Disposition, construction, and acquisition of utilities; lease and operation of waterworks facilities
8-1.5-2-4. Sale of nonsurplus property; writing providing for appraisal; sufficiency of written contracts with appraisers
8-1.5-2-5. Sale of nonsurplus property; appraiser qualifications; public hearing; ordinance for sale; effective date; petitions opposing sale; submission to voters; ordinances adopted after March 28, 2016
8-1.5-2-6. Sale of nonsurplus property; terms of ordinance; satisfaction of existing obligations; bid submitted by trust; proceeds; sale for less than appraised value
8-1.5-2-6.1. Sale of nonsurplus property; ordinance adopted after March 28, 2016; approval of commission; terms and conditions; public interest determination; net original cost rate base; submission to voters
8-1.5-2-7. Public convenience and necessity; declaratory resolution
8-1.5-2-8. Preliminary expenses; appropriation
8-1.5-2-9. Appropriation for preliminary expenses; repayment
8-1.5-2-10. Ordinance declaring public convenience and necessity; notice and hearing
8-1.5-2-11. Repealed
8-1.5-2-12. Sale of heat, light, water, or power to municipality
8-1.5-2-13. Contracts for acquisition, construction, or replacement of public utility property; authorizing ordinance
8-1.5-2-14. Costs of construction or acquisition; security for payment
8-1.5-2-15. Condemnation; authorization
8-1.5-2-15.5. Condemnation of public utility
8-1.5-2-16. Repealed
8-1.5-2-17. Acquisition of property rights inside or outside boundaries; utility lines; protection of services from injury or pollution; attachments from abuse, destruction, or waste
8-1.5-2-18. Bonds; payable out of special account; issuance
8-1.5-2-19. Bonds, notes, or other obligations; issuance; approval by commission for long term bonds
8-1.5-2-19.5. Purchase of equipment requiring lead time before availability; approval of contracts if sufficient funds available
8-1.5-2-20. Bonds; payment from revenues not derived from particular utility; restriction
8-1.5-2-21. Bonds payable out of special account; purchase by municipality
8-1.5-2-22. General obligation bonds; authorization; limitation
8-1.5-2-23. General obligation bonds; terms; sale
8-1.5-2-24. Revenue bonds; money set aside for payment of interest and principal
8-1.5-2-25. Special utility account; establishment by municipality; use
8-1.5-2-26. Tax levy for payment of bonds
8-1.5-2-27. Lease of waterworks facilities; term; option to purchase or renew; transfer of property to municipality
8-1.5-2-28. Lease of waterworks facilities; payment of operating expenses; sufficiency of rates and charges
8-1.5-2-29. Lease of waterworks facilities; notice and hearing
8-1.5-2-30. Lease of waterworks facilities; execution; limitation of actions
8-1.5-2-31. Leased waterworks facilities; tax exemptions
8-1.5-2-32. Leased waterworks facilities; applicable statutes
8-1.5-2-33. Action to determine public convenience and necessity