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U.S. State Codes
Title 7.1. Alcohol and Tobacco
Article 5. Crimes and Infra...
Chapter 8. Miscellaneous Prohibited Activities
Chapter 8. Miscellaneous Prohibited Activities
7.1-5-8-0.3. Intent and purpose of certain amendments made to chapter
7.1-5-8-1. Hindering enforcement of title prohibited
7.1-5-8-2. Repealed
7.1-5-8-3. Wood alcohol as beverage prohibited
7.1-5-8-4. Taking alcoholic beverages on licensed premises and serving setups; prohibition; exceptions
7.1-5-8-4.6. Patrons taking wine into art instruction studio; food requirements; employee permit and server training required
7.1-5-8-5. Taking alcoholic beverage on licensed premises; exceptions
7.1-5-8-6. Taking liquor into restaurants prohibited; exception
7.1-5-8-7. Repealed
7.1-5-8-8. Repealed
7.1-5-8-9. Purchase of beer from un-bonded brewery prohibited
7.1-5-8-10. Repealed
7.1-5-8-11. Possessing, purchasing, selling, offering to sell, or using powdered or crystalline alcohol prohibited; exceptions