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U.S. State Codes
Title 7.1. Alcohol and Tobacco
Article 5. Crimes and Infra...
Chapter 7. Minors
Chapter 7. Minors
7.1-5-7-0.1. Repealed
7.1-5-7-0.3. Repealed
7.1-5-7-1. False statements of age
7.1-5-7-2. Furnishing false evidence of identification
7.1-5-7-3. Possession of false identity
7.1-5-7-4. Statement of age
7.1-5-7-4.5. Permittee retention of ID cards
7.1-5-7-5. Repealed
7.1-5-7-5.1. Defenses of permittee to charge of unlawfully furnishing alcoholic beverage to minor
7.1-5-7-6. Repealed
7.1-5-7-7. Illegal possession
7.1-5-7-8. Sale to minors prohibited; furnishing property for the purpose of enabling minors to consume alcohol prohibited
7.1-5-7-9. Parent taking child into tavern prohibited
7.1-5-7-10. Minors in taverns prohibited
7.1-5-7-11. Exception for certain places
7.1-5-7-12. Employment of minors prohibited
7.1-5-7-13. Employment of minors; exceptions
7.1-5-7-14. Notice from parents
7.1-5-7-15. Aiding unlawful possession
7.1-5-7-16. Inspections
7.1-5-7-17. Enforcement actions