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U.S. State Codes
Title 5. State and Local Ad...
Article 3. Publication of N...
Chapter 1. Publication Procedures
Chapter 1. Publication Procedures
5-3-1-0.2. "Locality newspaper"
5-3-1-0.4. "Newspaper"
5-3-1-0.6. Place of publication
5-3-1-0.7. "Qualified publication"
5-3-1-1. Cost of advertising; form of legal advertisements; determination of circulation
5-3-1-1.5. Posting notice on web site
5-3-1-2. Public hearings or meetings, elections, and other events; requirements for publication of notice; posting instead of publication; failure or refusal to publish
5-3-1-2.3. Validity of notice containing errors or omissions
5-3-1-2.5. Repealed
5-3-1-3. Cities, towns, and school corporations; publication of annual reports; annual report required for school corporation issuance of debt
5-3-1-3.5. Publication of annual report of certain political subdivisions
5-3-1-4. Notices by political subdivisions and school corporations; requirements; notice in multiple counties; supplementary notices
5-3-1-5. Repealed
5-3-1-6. Notices published in newspapers or by state; electronic access
5-3-1-7. Repealed
5-3-1-8. Utility regulatory commission hearings; notice
5-3-1-9. Violations; offense