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U.S. State Codes
Title 5. State and Local Ad...
Article 10. Public Employee...
Chapter 8. Group Insurance for Public Employees
Chapter 8. Group Insurance for Public Employees
5-10-8-0.1. Application of certain amendments to chapter
5-10-8-0.3. Use of certain accrued benefits by state employees
5-10-8-0.4. Legalization of certain payments of deductible portion of group health insurance
5-10-8-0.5. Repealed
5-10-8-1. Definitions
5-10-8-2. Repealed
5-10-8-2.1. Repealed
5-10-8-2.2. Public safety employees; surviving spouses; dependents
5-10-8-2.5. Repealed
5-10-8-2.6. Local unit public employers and employees; programs; self-insurance; payment of part of cost; noncancelability; retired employees
5-10-8-2.7. Insurance of rostered volunteers
5-10-8-3. Repealed
5-10-8-3.1. Employees withholding from salaries or wages; retired employees; assignment of part of retirement benefit
5-10-8-4. Discrimination as to form of insurance between certain employees; exception
5-10-8-5. Establishment of common and unified plan of group insurance
5-10-8-6. Establishment of common and unified plans by state law enforcement agencies; trust fund for prefunding state contributions and OPEB liability; submission of plan documents to budget agency and INPRS
5-10-8-6.5. General assembly members and former members
5-10-8-6.6. Repealed
5-10-8-6.7. Election of state employee health care program by school corporation
5-10-8-6.8. Expired
5-10-8-7. Group insurance; self-insurance; health services; disability plans; trust fund for prefunding state contributions and OPEB liability; investments;
5-10-8-7.1. Coverage for autism spectrum disorder
5-10-8-7.2. Breast cancer; definitions; self-insurance programs; health maintenance organizations; diagnostic services
5-10-8-7.3. Early intervention services for first steps children
5-10-8-7.5. Prostate specific antigen test
5-10-8-7.7. Surgical treatment for morbid obesity
5-10-8-7.8. Colorectal cancer testing coverage
5-10-8-8. Retired employees; ability of employer to pay premiums; eligibility
5-10-8-8.1. Retired legislators
5-10-8-8.2. Former legislators
5-10-8-8.3. Former state and legislative employees; health benefit plans
5-10-8-8.4. Revocation or alteration by employer
5-10-8-8.5. Establishment of retiree health benefit trust fund
5-10-8-9. Coverage of services for mental illness
5-10-8-10. Examining infants for HIV; payment
5-10-8-10.5. Dental care provisions required
5-10-8-11. Use of diagnostic or procedure codes
5-10-8-12. Department report of the number of stimulant medication prescriptions for covered children diagnosed with certain disorders
5-10-8-13. Mail order or Internet based pharmacy
5-10-8-14. Coverage for prosthetic devices
5-10-8-14.8. Employee health plan providing coverage for prescription eye drops
5-10-8-14.9. Coverage of methadone
5-10-8-15. Coverage for care related to cancer clinical trials
5-10-8-16. High breast density
5-10-8-17. Step therapy protocol
5-10-8-18. Prescription drug coverage
5-10-8-19. Prior authorization
5-10-8-20. Definitions; right to provide prescription cost information; point of sale cost limit
5-10-8-21. Coverage for anatomical gifts, transplantation, or related health care services
5-10-8-22. Coverage for chronic pain management